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Tuesday, 15 July 2014

How to Make Money Blogging Guide by sheeraz ali

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How to Make Money Blogging
by sheeraz ali
There are thousands of blogs being
created each and every single day. Most
of these blogs get abandoned within 2 to
3 months. That’s a harsh truth. Do you
know why 90% of bloggers are not able
to make any money though they are
spending quality time on their blogs?
The reason is, they don’t know how the
money works online. Read it again. Most
bloggers are just writers, they are not
marketers. Only marketers know how to
sell online. That’s why only few
percentage of people are able to make
money online despite of their online
reputation or experience.
If you want to make money online
through your blogging efforts, I’m here
to help you.
Do you want to know how to make
money blogging? If you are asking this
question, you are not alone; there are
millions of other bloggers who are
interested in knowing answer to the
same question.
Most of bloggers start their journey to
make money blogging with lots of
motivation, dedication and hard work
but soon, they start giving up, as they
don’t have the patience that we need to
have to be successful in the blogging
niche. And the end up simply saying,
we cannot make money blogging. But
that’s not true at all.
If you ask me this question, I would
surely say, you can make money online
with your blogs. And now lets move on
to how you can make money blogging. I
have been blogging for quite some time
now. And in this time period, I have
created several niche specific blogs,
which gives me good profits. So I would
say I have been able to make money
blogging. Like me there are hundreds or
thousands of bloggers who are able to
make their living though blogging only.
With this special Make Money Blogging
Guide, I’m going to make you learn how
to make money with your blogs. So here
is the step-by-step guide especially new
bloggers can follow to start their
successful make money blogging
Make Money Blogging Guide: The
ONLY Guide You Need As A
Blogger To Make Money
Here are the PROVEN ways to make
money from your blogs. Hope this make
money blogging guide helps you in
getting best results from your blogging
Make Decision about Your
Blog Niche
First of all you need to decide about
your blog niche and that niche needs to
be profitable. You should consider
several factors while making decision
about your targeted niche like your
expertise and interest about that. You
should choose a niche you are most
passionate about, as it would help you
generate lots of quality contents, which
you will need to convert your simple
blog into popular one.
You can use Google Adwords Keyword
Tool or any other keyword tool to get
extra keywords idea around your
targeted niche. And if you are thinking
it’s going to be very easy make money
blogging, it won’t be the case. Your real
work starts from making research about
your blog niche.
Domain Name for Your Blog
Domain name is what the key
for a successful blog or
website. Don’t rush in
selecting the domain name for
your blog, always try to spend
quality time on picking up the
RIGHT one for you.
Once you are fine with your target
niche and the kind of keywords you will
be targeting through your blog, it’s time
to choose a domain name for your blog.
Suppose you have decided to sell weight
loss diets, so the best option for you will
be buying domain.
But that domain may not be available as
there is huge competition in this niche
and these days it becomes really difficult
to get a good domain name.
You need to try lots of keyword
combinations while choosing a domain
name for your blog. Once you have
decided a domain name that is available,
go to Godaddy website and register your
domain name. Click this link to directly
go to website for domain
Read: Pick a Great Domain Name
for Your New Blog
Blogging Platform for Your
Do you know most successful blogs and
websites run on WordPress platform?
WordPress is the only one platform that
is used by millions of bloggers
There are lots of blogging platforms
available on Internet that you can use
for your first make money blog. But I
would recommend using WordPress. I
only use WordPress platform for
developing all of my make money online
blogs. You could choose any other
blogging platform if you are comfortable
with that. But the obvious choice for
creating blogs used to be WordPress for
most of people as it the most popular
blogging platform, have lots of ready to
use solutions available around it.
Internet is flooded with WordPress
plugins, tools, themes, tutorials, hacks
and communities etc. I myself don’t
know the A B C of coding but still able
to manage my WordPress blogs by
myself as there are lots of ready to use
solution available around most of your
blogging queries on WordPress.
Web Host For Your Blog
Now let us talk about which web host to
choose for hosting your blog. Most new
bloggers choose either a cheap web host
or free web host for their websites. And
often they get either hacked or
manipulated by hackers because most
cheap or free web host providers don’t
provide any security.
There are lots of hosting companies
available on Internet. In case you have
decided to use WordPress as your
blogging platform, here is the list of best
5 WordPress Hosting Websites list. And
if you ask me where I host all of my
blogs, I used to Host all of my blogs on
Hostgator although there are some other
good web hosts available in the market.
I have been using Hostgator Web
Hosting on my blogs for the past 4 years
and never though of making move to
any other host.
With Hostgator, WordPress can be
installed with a Single Click from your
Hostgator Control Panel. Apart from
WordPress, there are 50 plus other
Scripts that you can install with a Click
from Your Hostgator Cpanel. I managed
to get a 25% discount for Bloggers
Passion Readers on any of Hostgator
Hosting Plan for their first billing cycle.
For Claiming 25% discount on your first
invoice from Hostgator, you need to use
the BPWEBHOSTING coupon code. Click
This Link to buy WordPress hosting
from Hostgator and use BPWEBHOSTING
coupon code to save 25% on your first
shopping with them.
So by now you have chosen niche for
your blog, domain name, platform and
web host for your first blog.
Start Producing Quality
Without a doubt, content is the
king. You really can’t make
money online especially
through blogging without
having great content on your
blogs. You have to make sure
to write quality stuff for your
readers to grab their attention.
Then and only then you will be
able to gain their trust to make
relationships with them.
This is very crucial phase as far as being
a successful blogger and being another
blogger. Your writing skills will decide a
lot like how much you will be able to
make money with blogging. You need to
start writing quality contents around the
targeted keywords of your niche. It’s not
the case that you cannot make money
blogging if you are not good in writing.
In that case, you have to hire a writer
and edit the content written by him as
per your requirement. Your contents
should be able to answer most of
questions people have about your
targeted niche, should be engaging and
you should be able to recommend few
products in your niche which will help
you earn some affiliate commission.
You should aim at using your targeted
keywords into your contents, use them
in titles, meta description section and
interlink your blog contents using
targeted terms. If you don’t know about
these things right now, you will get
knowledge about them as you start
working on your first WordPress blog.
Promote Your Blog
Do you know why only few
people get most attention
online? Because they spend
more time on promoting their
contents than creating them.
They focus more on promotion
than creation. But most new
bloggers do it exactly opposite.
They spend most of their time
on creating contents rather
than promoting and reaching
out most people.
Remember that, a bad post
could do more damage than
writing no post at all.
No doubt, our blog should have good
quality content to be eligible to drive
lots of targeted traffic from search
engines. But you cannot win the search
engine race on the basis of good quality
content only. You need to back your
content with quality backlinks from
different websites and blogs based in
your niche. There are numerous of ways
we can drive traffic and backlinks to
our blogs. This is a huge topic in itself.
So I’m just sharing some tips in brief
and towards the end I’m sharing some
reference points if you want to know
about these tips in detail:
Start contributing guest posts on top
blogs in your niche and build
relationship with fellow bloggers
and their readers through blog
Spread Words about your blog in
the social media websites
Share your blog contents on popular
social bookmarking websites
Use Squidoo and Hubpages for
creating topical pages
Make use of discussion forums and
communities based in your niche
Do some article marketing and blog
directory submissions
Look at ways to improve your
Use free blogging platforms for
additional links
Reference Articles
10 Free Ways to Get More Exposure,
Traffic and Subscribers to Your Blog
20 Tips to Increase Traffic to Your
15 Techniques to Get Lots of RSS Feed
Subscribers for Your Blog
List of Ways to Make Money
Blogging (Guide)
Now comes the ultimate part and most
fruitful thing for which we are making
all efforts. Yes, let’s talk about the list of
websites or methods we can use to make
money blogging. For making money from
your blogs, you can show contextual ads,
banner ads, sell your own products,
selling other people products with the
intension to earn commission per
transaction through your affiliate link
etc. Here are some methods you can
actually apply to make money online
from your blogs:
Google Adsense
There are
thousands of
bloggers who are
making decent
income from their
Google AdSense
accounts. Google
Adsense is the
most popular PPC (Pay Per Click)
advertising program that is owned by
Google. We are paid for every Google
Adsense Ad which is placed on our blog.
We will be able to make more money as
the number of clicks on Adsense ads
improves. You could make a good living
though Google Adsense only if you have
a high traffic blog. Click this Link to
create a Publisher Account on Google
Read More About:
5 Tips to Improve Google Adsense CPC
and CTR
Best 12 Money Making Alternatives to
Google Adsense
ClickBank Products
Want to make passive income
from your blogging efforts?
Then there’s no better way
than making money from
affiliate products. One of the
best sources to sell your
affiliate products is to use
ClickBank market, they offer
too many affiliate products to
promote. All you have to do is
to pick the right products that
are suitable for your audience
and place those links in right
places, convince your readers
to buy them.
ClickBank is a
marketplace for
buying and
selling digital
marketplace has
hundreds or even
thousands of wide range of categories
they are covering on their website. So
you will most probably end up seeing
some targeted products for your blog.
You need to create an affiliate account
on ClickBank before start promoting
their products on your blog. Best thing
about being an affiliate on ClickBank is
that you will be able to earn 30 percent
to 70 percent amount of total cost of a
product. Click this link to start an
Affiliate account on ClickBank.
Read: Clickbank Affiliates: How to
Make Money with Clickbank
Website Programs
Amazon Affiliates
In case you are
not interested in
selling digital
products and
interested in
selling real
products, you can
type of shopping portals. Amazon gives 4
to 15 percent commission which varies
from category to category on a product
sold through your affiliate link. Click
this link to create an affiliate account
with shopping website.
Some other affiliate networks you can
try for selling different kind of products
on your blogs are,, and
Selling a Product of Your
Selling your own products is by
far the best way to make
money online. Because you
don’t have to pay commission
to anyone to make more sales,
and you have all the flexibility
to charge how much amount
you want from your customers
or users.
If you are able to
create a product
which is able to
grab the eyes of
internet users,
you can make big
money. But your
product model
needs to be very solid. It should do the
task for which people are buying it.
Once you have that kind of product, you
just need to drive the targeted audience
on your product pages. You should target
keywords which people might be
searching to find your product. You can
sell your products by creating a vendor
account on Amazon, ClickBank and
Commission Junction kind of websites.
Selling Direct Advertisements
Are you getting good amount of
traffic from search engines to
your blogs or websites? If yes,
you can make a lot of money
by selling ad spaces on your
websites. There are so many
advertisers searching for places
to place their ads to get more
reach or increase their sales.
So if you can provide them,
they would be glad to pay you
decent paychecks each and
every month.
You can make
good amount of
money selling
advertisements on
your blog in case
you have a
popular blog that
gets good stream of traffic from search
engines. For getting good success
through Direct Advertisements, you
need to inform your blog readers about
different advertising options. For this,
you should set up an advertising page on
your blog the way I have one in place on
Bloggers Passion.
Read: Learn How to Make Money
Online with Advertising Page on
Your Blog
Selling Banner
Advertisements through
You can increase
your earnings
further if you
decide to sell
advertisements on
your blog though
BuySellAds kind
of banner advertising networks.
BuySellAds has a wide range of
advertisers in major categories. These
advertising networks will pay up to 75
percent of your total earning that you
made through them and rest of money
go into their accounts.
Read: Banner Ads Advertising: How
to Make Money Selling Banner Ads
on Your Blog
Doing Paid Reviews
There are many advertising
people or product launchers
who are actively searching for
ways to increase their sales
and if you could provide them
a paid review and link back to
their products, they will be
happy to pay you money. You
can make anything around $50
to $1000 depending on the
product you choose.
You can some
quick money
though blogging
while doing paid
reviews for
advertisers in
your niche. You
can use Sponsored Reviews and Review
Me kind of paid reviews website to grab
more paid review opportunities on your
blog. Most of paid review networks keep
the revenue share ratio to 50:50 with
their bloggers (Publishers).
Sell Your Expertise
If you don’t want to make
money by any one of the above
mentioned money making stuff,
then you can start making
money blogging by selling your
own expertise. You could make
money by teaching blogging
stuff, you could conduct online
courses and make money, you
could even launch your own
membership site programs to
make money online.
Once you have
yourself as an
Expert in your
niche, start
selling your
expertise to
others. Suppose
you are good in writing, you are make
money online doing freelance content
writing for other website owners based
in your niche of expertise. You could sell
consulting services in web design, web
development, and SEO etc. industries as
well if you are really good about any of
Recommended Make Money Blogging
How to Make Money Selling Direct
Advertisements on Your Blog
How to Make Money Selling Banner Ads
on Your Blog
List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites
Best 12 Money Making Alternatives to
Google Adsense
How to Make Money with ClickBank
Website Programs
Make money blogging guide biggest
question: How much money you can
make through blogging?
This is the big question. I would say it
depends upon how much work you put
into your blog and how much expertise
you have about the targeted niche. But
if you follow the make money blogging
methods that are shared above, you will
surely be able to make good profit.
It’s also the case some monetization
methods which are working for me, may
not work for you. So you need to test
lots of ways to make money from your
blogs and stick with those that gives you
maximum revenue. Apart from these,
there can be additional methods (Which
I haven’t tested) you can actually use to
make more money from your online
blogs. But all the above monetization
methods are tested by me and they
worked for me when it used them on my
blogs targeting different niches.
Conclusion: There are lots of ways to
make money blogging, it depends on
each and every individual to make more
money from their blogging efforts. If you
observe any top blogger who is making
decent income from their blogs, you will
notice that they are following only few
income streams, they don’t follow
everything under the sun.
So make sure to test few income streams
that are mentioned in this make money
blogging guide and analyze yourself
which can work best for you. I
personally think affiliate marketing and
selling your own expertise can work
best if you are really committed towards
building a great readership around your
blogs. I’m personally getting good results
with these two income streams.
Your Feedback about Make
Money Blogging Guide
With this, I came to the end of this
special post mentioning step by step
process one need to follow to start make
money blogging. Would you be
interested in sharing how you are
making money online though blogs you
own, share in the comments section
below. Also share if I missed any
effective monetization method I forgot
mentioning in this post.


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