Sheeraz Hacks Production We Hack For You: Whats App Tricks
Showing posts with label Whats App Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Whats App Tricks. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 February 2015


Android is an open source operating system based on the Linux kernel, initially developed by Android Inc., which Google bought in 2005. Initially, Android was developed to support touch screen devices like smartphones. These devices support different types of screen locks, like swipe lock, PIN lock, pattern lock, gesture lock, facial lock, etc.
Swipe lock unlocks the screen just by swiping a defined area on the screen with your fingertips. PIN lock is when you enter a correct pin, the screen will be unlocked. Pattern lock unlocks the screen when the user creates a pattern by joining nine circles on the screen, which is already saved on your system. This article is only based on the pattern locking system and does not cover biometric locking systems available on the phones.

Understanding Android Pattern Locks

Android Forensics: How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock - 1
Figure 1: Android Pattern lock with numbering
Patterns are nothing but the path traced by the fingers on the nine circles with the number starting from 1 to 9 from top-left corner to the right bottom corner as shown in the figure above. If we select a pattern 1478, the pattern would look as shown in Figure 2.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -2
Figure 2: Pattern for 1478
This pattern is saved with a 20-byte SHA-1 Hash. So the SHA-1 hash for 1478 will be “06CF96F30A7283FF7258FCEF5CF587ED51156C37” which is stored in a file named gesture.key in /data/system folder in Android’s internal memory.

The Catch

The catch to change the pattern is replace this file with a known pattern gesture.key file.


  1. Debugging mode should be enabled.
  2. Android adb (Android Debugger Bridge) tool.
  3. AVD (Android Virtual Device) Manager Tool.
  4. Device USB Cable
  5. Device whose password needed to be changed


Step 1
Start an AVD (Android Virtual Device), and create a pattern in the AVD. Open a command prompt. Execute the following command to check whether the AVD has been connected to the debugger or not.
1. adb devices
The output of the command should look as shown in Figure 3. If you see the name of your emulator on the screen, then your device is perfectly connected.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -3
Figure 3: Output of adb devices
Step 2
Now pull out the gesture.key file from the AVD. For this execute the command that is mentioned below. This file is located in /data/system.
1. adb pull /data/system/gesture.key gesture.key
The gesture.key file will be pulled to your current working directory. Here the syntax of command is adb pull . Here my current working directory is my home folder. So the gesture.key file will be pulled out in my local file system in my home directory.
The output of the command is as shown n Figure 4.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -4
Figure 4: Pulling out gesture.key file
Step 3
Now connect the other device, whose password is to be changed and close the AVD. For my example I will be using the same AVD. So now my password in my AVD is 1478 according to the pattern cell numbers. Figure 5 illustrates the pattern.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -5
Figure 5: Current pattern of the Device
In next step, it will be shown how to change the pattern of new device to a known pattern from the previous AVD which was 1236. Figure 6 illustrates the new pattern.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -6
Figure 6: The new pattern which is not stored in the AVD
Step 4
Now to change the password with a known pattern, we will push our known pattern file to the new device. The command for pushing a file into an android system is shown below. This file has to be pushed into /data/system of the new device.
adb push gesture.key /data/system/gesture.key
The gesture.key file will be pushed into the Android’s file system replacing the previous file. So now android will be having a new gesture file which contains a known password, and when we use this pattern to unlock the screen, the screen will be unlocked. The syntax for pushing a file into an Android system is adb push .
The output of the command is shown in Figure 7.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -7
Figure 7: Pushing the known pattern file into the android system
Now this changes the pattern of the new device with a known pattern. Figure 8 illustrates the known pattern unlock.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -8
Figure 8: Pattern replaced with a known pattern


  • The device should be rooted
  • The device should have USB debugging mode enabled


You can also look for the SHA-1 Hash values of the gesture key and match it with the database to find out the pattern lock combination. For this you can use my python script ( to automate the decoding process.
You can download the dictionary file from (25 MB)

Android Forensics: How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock

Thursday, 23 October 2014

How to Use WhatsApp on PC | Download & Install WhatsApp on PC

How To Use WhatsApp on PC

WhatsApp is an interactive messaging and media sharing app for smartphones. All around the world, about five hundred to six hundred smartphone users are hooked on using WhatsApp. The reason why WhatsApp is quite famous is because it is the awesome smartphone messaging app available today. It is loaded with multiple features which make communicating with people exciting and informative.
However, one of the biggest drawbacks of the WhatsApp application is that it is not quite compatible with various cell phones. If you are a part of the elite members whose cell phone is not congenial to the WhatsApp apps, then you don’t need to worry about it. It is quite simple on how to use WhatsApp on pc. This is the exclusive tutorial on how to install WhatsApp on PC by Qd Tricks.
how to use whatsapp on pc

How to Download Whatsapp forPC

It is true that WhatsApp is the famous social networking and commonly used messaging platform available today. Limited to smartphone, it cannot be used for all PCs and tablets. Of course, certain 3G facility-run Android tablets will help you to make phone calls and they are the ones which have the WhatsApp facility. Even the iPod and iPad having the 3G SIM card slot for online needs don’t have WhatsApp compatibility.
Also View: Cool WhatsApp Tricks

The Following Steps Would Help You to Install WhatsApp on PC:

1) The first step is to install the Bluestack (It is necessary to install WhatsApp on PC). It would be better if you download the version of Bluestack .

Download BlueStack (Direct Link)

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2) Once you have downloaded it then start the installation procedure.

download whatsapp for pc

3) When the installation starts, there are chances that you may come across a message asking for graphic card requirement. So, in case if you are not using any graphic card and a pop-up message appears, just click the ‘OK’ button, the installation won’t end or get disrupted.
4) Clicking the app store icon:- The next step in the “How to download WhatsApp for PC” procedure is to click on the application store icon to gain access to the latest Android app markets like 1Mobile, Amazon App and Get Jar. Of course, there are other Android app markets, but the above given three are highly recommendable.
5) Installation: Once you have selected the required Android app market, then the next step in “how to install WhatsApp on pc” is to search the WhatsApp messenger and get it installed on the computer.

install whatsapp on pc

6) Verification: This is the last step in the “download WhatsApp for pc” procedure. When the application gets installed, an icon will appear and you need to just click on that given icon and type in your mobile number for verification.

download and install whatsapp on pc
WhatsApp for PC is installed in your computer. Now, you can easily use the WhatsApp application on your given device just like your friends and accomplices do. Always make sure that you are not using the WhatsApp application on any other device with the same number. In case if you do so, then the particular device will get deactivated and will again ask for reverification. In case you verify it, then the WhatsApp installed in the PC will get disabled.
Also View: More WhatsApp Tricks
It is quite common, as WhatsApp can only be used on a single device with a number. If you have another number and don’t use WhatsApp on it, then may use that particular number for WhatsApp communication and interaction. In short, the basic procedure on how to use WhatsApp on pc is quite simple and easy.
If you like our post download and install whatsapp on pc, you can share it with your friends via social media button given below.

How to Use WhatsApp on PC | Download & Install WhatsApp on PC

Monday, 20 October 2014

How To Use Whatsapp Without Mobile Number or Sim

Whatsapp is the fastest growing instant messaging service which has completely replaced conventional SMS by service providers. It’s close to having 1 billion users very soon.
Recently, the social giant facebook has purchased the messaging service for $19 biilion coz they also know what it’s worth is or will be in the near future.The service requires you to have a working mobile number which will be used as your identification id (user id). This tends to be the problem for some who don’t want to disclose their phone numbers.
So in this tutorial i’m going to show you how someone can activate his/her subscription of whatsapp without using his/her number.

Steps To Follow :-

  • First you need to do a fresh install of whatsapp or if you already have it, uninstall and do a fresh install.
  • Next install TEXT+ application to get the verification code which whatsapp sends.
  • Now simply open Text+ application and navigate to Settings > Contact. Now here you will see your personal number, just copy it to the clipboard.
  • Now put your phone in flight mode and open whatsapp so it can’t send the verification code automatically to it’s servers.
  • Then it will ask for a phone number as a second method of verification, paste the number you’ve copied before.
  • Now within seconds you will receive verification code on your phone in the Text+ application.
  • Just enter that code in whatsapp and you are good to go. Your subscription is now activated without your original phone number.
Now, Go and start using whatsapp anonymously for whatever reason you have, well it could be used for pranking on friends because they won’t be able to call on that number. So now, Enjoy your new identity on whatsapp.

How To Use Whatsapp Without Mobile Number or Sim

Saturday, 26 July 2014

How to Hide the WhatsApp Last Seen Time?

Do you get a lot of messages on WhatsApp and at times you just read them and don’t bother to reply? Do people hate you for reading their messages but not replying to them? Do you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend who stalks your WhatsApp profile 24×7 and then fights with you if he / she finds your WhatsApp last seen at time correspond with someone else? Here’s how you can get rid of it by simply hiding the time you were last seen on WhatsApp!
We have two guides, actually three – one for iPhone and two for Android based devices. We also plan to cover WIndows and BlackBerry soon.

Hide WhatsApp Last Seen Time on iPhone

(We assume that you’ve installed WhatsApp on your iPhone. If not you can download WhatsApp and then come back to this page.)
Hiding the last seen time on iOS is relatively easier than doing the same on Android phone. WhatsApp for iPhone comes with an option which lets you hide your last seen time easily. To do the same time in Android, you either have to install additional apps or play with your device settings. Anyways let’s bring our focus back on iPhone.
  1. Upon launching WhatsApp, go to Settings.
  2. Then Advanced.
  3. Then Last Seen Timestamp.
  4. Turn it off.
The only disadvantage is that it takes around 24 hours if not more for your new settings to go live. Fortunately this isn’t the case with Android. And if you ever decide to change your settings again, make sure you can wait for twenty-four more hours!

Hide WhatsApp Last Seen Time on Android

By Using Not Last Seen app

How does this app work? – After you’ve configured the application, the app starts to work. When you open WhatsApp, Not Last Seen app automatically disables your WiFi connection and when you close the WhatsApp window, it automatically starts WiFi. Its accurate and doesn’t keep you waiting. So calling it an automatic WiFi on-off app is justified.
  1. Download Not Last Seen app. We don’t have a Google Play Store link since the app no longer exists there. It violated some Google policies they say.
  2. Launch the app. You’ll see three options – Block Last Seen, Block Last Seen at Boot Phone, Always Recover WiFi.
  3. Tick ‘Block Last Seen’.
    block last seen
  4. Since the app is no longer updated, simply ticking the first one didn’t work for me so I had to tick the second one i.e Block Last Seen at Boot Phone too.
     block last seen at boot phone option in not last seen app for android
  5. If your WiFi connection doesn’t start automatically when you leave the WhatsApp window, tick ‘Always Recover WiFi’.
    always recover wifi
When the app runs you’ll see a message in your notifications area. You can tap it to change the settings if required or leave it as it is or tap clear to hide it from your notifications bar. I however recommend it to stay there so you’re aware your last seen is hidden.
hide whatsapp last seen time


  1. Disable your phone’s WiFi or data network.
  2. Open WhatsApp. Read messages if any. Send messages if you want to.
  3. Close WhatsApp. Enable WiFi or data network.
The messages will be sent as soon as your phone connect’s to the internet without anybody coming to know the last time you accessed WhatsApp! The last seen they’ll see will be the time you last opened WhatsApp with your internet connection on.

Without Using an Application

Facebook acquired WhatsApp for a whopping $19 Billion and just a day after the deal, WhatsApp has a new update allowing you to officially hide your last seen timestamp, your WhatsApp status and your WhatsApp profile picture within your app without having to install an additional app or constantly turn on and off your WiFi or data network or without having to use a WhatsApp substitute like WhatsApp Plus. Of course the WhatsApp-Facebook deal has nothing to do with this update. The update may have been pre-planned and Facebook’s acquisition of WhatsApp might just be another co-incidence.
This update still hasn’t made way to the Google Play Store. So you need to download WhatsApp from and then follow the steps below.
To hide your last seen simply go to Settings -> Accounts – Privacy and change the options accordingly. You can change settings for your last seen timestamp, your profile picture and your status individually. For example you can hide your profile picture but keep your status visible or you can hide your profile picture but keep your last seen at time visible and more.
Update: WhatsApp can now be downloaded from Play Store. Play Store version now comes with these options.

Hide WhatsApp Last Seen Time on Windows

We haven’t come across a working method to hide your last seen time-stamp on a Windows phone. We did discover a spammy looking application which when we tried failed to work. So we didn’t consider mentioning them here.
Update 1: WhatsApp for Windows may soon have an option to hide the last seen time. Thanks to the $19 billion deal between Facebook and WhatsApp!
Update 2: WhatsApp for Windows no loner exists in the app store, I wonder why. I hope this isn’t something to worry about. Fingers crossed.  20/05/2014

Hide WhatsApp Last Seen Time on BlackBerry

Same here. No working applications nor tricks to hide the last seen time. Unfortunately the WhatsApp teams developing apps for Windows & BlackBerry are slow.
I hope after trying these tips out you’ll enjoy a fight-free life and people will no longer curse you simply because you don’t respond to their message even after you’ve seen them! 

How to Hide the WhatsApp Last Seen Time?

Top 12 WhatsApp Tricks for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry & Windows

WhatsApp is definitely the best chatting app ever made for Android & iPhone. Though there are many other apps competing with WhatsApp which are hiring filmstars to get you to use them (WeChat), I don’t see WhatsApp losing its market anytime soon. Further after Facebook bought Whatsapp, the future of Whatsapp is even more secure. After the acquirement Whatsapp has seen many changes which include the option to hide your profile picture, last seen time, status and more. Apart from that, there’s lot more you can do with Whatsapp, and that’s why I decided to write this piece containing some useful WhatsApp tricks. If you’re looking for WhatsApp ticks, may be you should check out this.
NOTE: We don’t teach you to hack into your friend’s Whatsapp account or access your girlfriend’s WhatsApp account without her consent. In fact, I’m the last guy you should talk to if you are looking for something hacking related. So, if learning hacking is your goal, may be you should leave this blog right now and get in touch with Ankit Fadia!

WhatsApp Tricks ~ Top 13

Hide WhatsApp Last Seen Time

WhatsApp is the best chatting app. The only problem with it is that it doesn’t allow you to hide your last seen time from your friends or stalkers. WhatsApp for iPhone does, but it’s Android, Windows and BB counterpart doesn’t.
Well, I looked for ways, apps anything that could help me in hiding my last seen to find a couple of working techniques. So if you’re looking forward to disable your last seen at time-stamp, follow this link.
Update 1: Whatsapp for Android now allows you to hide your last seen time. You no longer need to use additional apps to hide your last seen time.

Use WhatsApp Without Your Mobile Number

Do you have a mobile number but for some reason do not want to use it on WhatsApp? Do you often indulge in group chats with several unknown people to whom you don’t wanna reveal your phone number? Do not worry. You can do that. Here’s how:
  1. If you are already using WhatsApp, uninstall it from your device completely. You can keep the SD card files i.e. the images if you want. Download and install it again.
  2. Now when you open WhatsApp it’ll ask you to verify your phone number. It automatically sends a verification message to its server. But if this happens your number gets registered with them. So block your message service. You can simply put your phone on flight mode so that all network connections are disabled. You can alternatively change the message center number. Remember the old one of course.
  3. It’ll ask you to choose an alternate method to verify. Choose ‘Verify through SMS’ and give your email address. Click on ‘Send’ and without waiting even for a second click on ‘Cancel’. This terminates the authorization process.
  4. Now you have to spoof that message. You can try this for Android and Fake-a-Messagefor iOS.
  5. Go to your Outbox -> Copy the message details to spoofer app -> Send it to spoofed verification.
  6. Use the following details.
    To: +447900347295
    From: +(Country code)(mobile number)
    Message: Your email address
  7. A message will be sent through that spoofed number. You can use this number to connect with your friends.
I don’t know if you should be trying this or not. I don’t find it useful anyway. It’s always a good idea to use your real phone number.

Recover Deleted Messages

Recover deleting messages on WhatsApp after you’ve deleted it from within the app is possible without any additional recovery software. WhatsApp by default stores all your conversations and activity on your SD card. This is helpful if you ever lose your messages or to view your messages after you’ve deleted it from WhatsApp.
Go to: SD card -> WhatsApp -> Databases and look for two files named – msgstore-yyyy-mm-dd.1.db.crypt5 and msgtore.db.crypt.
The first file contains all the messages you’ve sent or received in the last seven days (yyyy-mm-dd.1 correspond to the respective year, month and day and the 1 after dd signifies that it was the first backup taken on that day) while the second file contains all messages sent or received on that day.
To restore your Whatsapp messages, rename msgtore.db.crypt to OLDmsgtore.db.crypt or something to identify the old backup easily, so in case if something goes wrong, you can try again. Select the database you wish to restore from the files left and rename it to msgtore.db.crypt. Uninstall and re-install Whatsapp and when prompted choose Restore. The chat file you saved with the name msgtore.db.crypt is restored. Restoring an earlier database, automatically clears your current chat history and there’s no way to merge your old database and your current chat history.
While you cannot open these files with a text editor since they’re encrypted, you can anyways use Whatsapp Xtract to read your Whatsapp database on computer.

Send Two Images in One

Have you received an image where at first you see a hot chic and when you click on the image you get to see a monkey? There’s no trick but an app to do it. Try Magiapp tricks for WhatsApp for android and FhumbApp for iPhone. Using them you can hide your best pics inside others. Unfortunately there’s not much you can do if you own a Windows phone or BlackBerry except forwarding those images and even then you can’t be sure if it’ll work.

Get Contacts Profile Pictures

When you are checking out your friend’s profile picture there’s no way to store it. WhatsApp doesn’t provide an option to save the image. Of course you can take a screenshot, but then you’ll have to crop the unnecessary part. Do not worry, Whatsapp saves all the profile pictures you view automatically which you can find in SD card -> WhatsApp -> Profile Pictures. The images will be associated to you friend’s mobile number and not his name. Have an easy time searching for the image ;)

Change Your Friends’ Profile Picture

Nah, you’ll not be making the change globally, but changing your friend’s profile picture only on your phone is sufficient to scare the hell outta him. Here’s how you can do it.
  1. Choose a profile picture for your friend. Use Google Image search for cute looking monkeys and donkeys or weird looking people.
  2. Resize the image to 561×561 pixels using Paint or Photoshop and name it with your friend’s mobile phone number.
  3. Save the image in SD card -> WhatsApp -> Profile Pictures. Overwrite an existing image if required.
  4. Disable WiFi and data network. If you don’t WhatsApp will automatically update the picture. Now show it to your friend who’ll panic instantly!
Note: This is not a hack, but simply a trick to change your friend’s profile picture only on your device. This is meant for fun purpose only.

Create a Fake Conversation

Noticed the fake conversations between Sachin Tendulkar, Virat Kohli, Rahul Dravid and Suresh Raina prevailing on Facebook where in they make fun of each other? Ever wanted to do that yourself? With the help of an app like WhatSaid you can easily create fake conversations and play pranks on your friends. Don’t use it to spoil someone’s life though, please. There isn’t a similar app for iPhone though.
Update: WhatSaid was recently removed from the Google Play Store. Here’s an alternate link to download WhatSaid.

Send PDF, APK, ZIP & More

Unlike most chat apps, WhatsApp doesn’t allow you to send documents. But with an additional app like Cloud Send you can send PDFs, APKs, Word documents and more using WhatsApp. A better way is to install Google Drive on your mobile phone, upload the documents and send your friend the link to the documents.

Hide Your Profile Picture

I’m not really sure why you’d want to hide your profile picture. No one looks that bad to be not seen by people. Anyways with an application like WhatsApp Plus, you can hide your profile picture on Android. WhatsApp Plus is not available on the Play Store and there are several fakes available online so make sure you download it from a reliable source like the one I shared. A better way is to not set a profile picture if you don’t want others to see how you look on screen. Thus you’ll save on memory!
Update: You no longer need to use WhatsApp Plus to hide your Whatsapp profile picture. You can hide your profile picture by simply navigating to WhatsApp Settings -> Account -> Privacy -> Profile photo and choose My contacts or Nobody. An alternate to this is to simply not set a profile picture.

Stop Automatic Media Download

By installing the same app, WhatsApp Plus you can stop WhatsApp from downloading images automatically.
Update: You no longer need to use WhatsApp Plus to prevent auto-downloading of images or other media. WhatsApp now allows you to control it from the pap itself. Simply go to Settings -> Chat Settings -> Media auto-download -> Check ‘When using mobile data’, ‘When connected on WiFi’ and ‘When roaming’ one by one and uncheck all the sub-options!

Find Out Your WhatsApp Statistics

Want to know who texts you the most? Want to know if that girl or guy has a crush on you? Find it using WhatStat for Android or iPhone. It shows you everything in neat organized graphs. I first came across this app when a friend uploaded some graphs he had created using WhatStat on our college group on WhatsApp. If you are okay with simple statistics, you can view your statistics by going to Settings -> Account -> Network Usage.

Change Phone Number Linked With WhatsApp

Bought a new sim card? Want to change your old number associated with WhatsApp without losing access to the groups you had joined? Here’s how you can do it. Go to Settings -> Account -> Change Number -> Type both your old and new phone number and hit ‘Done’.

Lock WhatsApp

Do your friends often use your mobile phone? Does someone sneak peek at your WhatsApp messages? Well a way to prevent that from happening is to lock WhatsApp. To lock Whatsapp on BlackBerry follow this link and to lock WhatsApp on Android follow this link.

Schedule a Message on WhatsApp

I’ve a bad memory. I often forget my parents’ anniversary and my best friend’s birthday. Are you like me? May be you should try scheduling a message on WhatsApp! And never forget a birthday, anniversary ever. Also if you are among those wishing people good morning and night everyday, you should use a WhatsApp message scheduler to save some time! Read thispost on WhatsApp message scheduling on Android for more on this.
These are just a couple of interesting things you can do with WhatsApp. As I end this post I’m still looking for more WhatsApp tricks and I will continue to share all of them here as I come across them. If you’ve any WhatsApp tricks to share for any platform just comment and I’d be more than happy to include it in this list with proper credits. Stay tuned!

Top 12 WhatsApp Tricks for iPhone, Android, BlackBerry & Windows

Thursday, 24 July 2014

Top 10 Exclusive WhatsApp Tips and Tricks for iPhone Users

At SHEERAZ HACKS,  we headed up with number of WhatsApp Tips and tricks for Android users. The main aim for these Tips and Tricks is to allow our readers to play and have fun with this amazing messaging client in very efficient ways. WhatsApp is now part and parcel of everybody’s life. Considering this mesmerizing chatting client, WhatsApp grown bigger than Twitter with over 200 million monthly active users. Moreover, 400 million photo and over 20 billion messages per day are exchanged each day, that approximately doubles the messages carried by Facebook.
Considering the overwhelming response from our Android users, we have got enough motivation to cover best WhatsApp Tips and Tricks for iPhone users. Although everything is quite handy in WhatsApp for iPhone, but some useful WhatsApp tips and tricks will certainly add icing to the cake. Without wasting any time, let’s head over to “Top 10 Exclusive WhatsApp tips and tricks for your iPhone” :

1. Spy WhatsApp messages of iPhone

As long as the WhatsApp have existed, people have always wanted to barge in the privacy and know what goes on in the other person’s WhatsApp account. Call it curiosity or distrust (in the other person), but we all know that WhatsApp is the one sure-shot app that can reveal all the truth. Now easily spy WhatsApp messages of iPhone by following our complete guide on How to Spy WhatsApp messages of iPhone running iOs 7.

2. Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages on iPhone

For instance, what if you deleted an important WhatsApp conversation without taking its backup. In such cases you would feel that email communication is still the best, however, now we have a working trick for you to recover your deleted WhatsApp messages and other important data on your iPhone easily. Follow our complete guide on How To Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages On iPhone Easily.

See also: Top 10 WhatsApp tips and tricks for your Android

3. Share Any File via WhatsApp From iPhone

Officially, you can only transfer photos, videos, contacts and location between WhatsApp accounts. Now-days, almost all business employees use WhatsApp Messenger in their daily day to day life, and imagine how convenient life would become if you were able to share important file formats like .pdf, .zip, .doc, or .rar files through WhatsApp only. We surely got your minds wondering, and here we are, with a working solution for the same. Follow our complete guide on How to Share Any File via WhatsApp From iPhone easily.

4. Add Quick Reply to WhatsApp with Couria Tweak

Couria is a multi-purpose iPhone jailbreak tweak that adds quick reply to your WhatsApp and Message app on your iPhone. That’s right. You can instantly reply to messages whenever and wherever possible. It adds an additional popup screen to your device whenever you receive any Message or WhatsApp text, thus saving on your time. Follow our complete guide on How to Add Quick Reply To WhatsApp With Couria Jailbreak Tweak.

5. Protect WhatsApp account on iPhone from Hackers

WhatsApp is not a 100% secure messaging client, there’s a small security loop hole that will allow you to access someone else WhatsApp account. You can certainly access same WhatsApp ID from two devices that will help you to have a close look on your friends WhatsApp activity. Safeguard your WhatsApp account by following our complete guide on How to protect WhatsApp account from Hackers.

6. Run WhatsApp On PC And iPhone Simultaneously

Until now, you could use WhatsApp only on one device, either your iPhone or your Mac/Desktop system. However, we are here to witness altogether a new functionality for your iPhone, which will enable you to run WhatsApp on PC and iPhone simultaneously. You heard it right. Reflector , as the name suggests is a new program for your Mac or Windows powered computer which lets you run WhatsApp on PC and iPhone at the same time. Follow our complete guide on How To Run WhatsApp On PC And iPhone Simultaneously.

See also: Easily Spy on WhatsApp with Spymaster Pro

7. Hide WhatsApp Message Sneak Preview from iPhone Lockscreen

Talking about WhatsApp messages, your privacy is always at the verge of getting compromised because of this sneak preview. While the only way to stop notifications was to disable it from notification center settings, there was no way you could just disable the WhatsApp message preview from the Settings app. Seems like now there actually is a new jailbreak tweak capable of doing the needful. That’s right! Notification Privacy , as the name suggests, adds another layer of privacy to your iOS 7 powered iDevice.
Whenever you receive any text, WhatsApp message or any other alert on your smartphone, instead of displaying a sneak preview of it, your device will just notify you that it has an alert waiting to be entertained by you. Follow our complete guide on How to Hide WhatsApp Message Sneak Preview from iPhone Lockscreen.

8. Add Custom WhatsApp Notification Sound On iPhone

We all love WhatsApp, and the way it has integrated itself in all aspects of our lives, be it personal, or business. However, the app also comes with a number of limitations. Like you cannot change the custom WhatsApp notification sound on iPhone, can’t send more than 10 pictures at once, and few more hard to crack limitations. However, our friends at the jailbreak community have finally come up with ways to remove or at least reduce this limitations. In case you are bored of listening to the same old WhatsApp notification sound, we have a way by which you can add your own custom notification alert for WhatsApp. Follow our complete guide on How to Add Custom WhatsApp Notification Sound On iPhone.

9. How to Run Two WhatsApp Accounts on iPhone

Although everything is quite handy in WhatsApp, but if you are having two numbers then there might be an anxiety to enjoy two different WhatsApp account for two different numbers on your iPhone. Isn’t it? Earlier it seemed to be a very difficult task, but later or sooner, we are here with How to Run Two WhatsApp Accounts on iPhone.

10. Unlock Hidden WhatsApp Features On Your iPhone

For those who don’t know, the WhatsApp Messenger application on your iPhone contains a plethora of features which are kept locked or hidden from users. It is apparently not possible to get the most out of WhatsApp Messenger in case you have NOT jailbroken your iPhone, however, in case you have, you can get altogether a new set of features and functionalities on your WhatsApp that you always wish you had. So here’s how to unlock hidden WhatsApp features on your iPhone instantly.

Top 10 Exclusive WhatsApp Tips and Tricks for iPhone Users

How to protect WhatsApp account from Hackers

How to protect WhatsApp account from Hackers
WhatsApp is now part and parcel of everybody’s life. Whether it’s you or me, no one can spend even few hours without using this amazing instant messaging client. Apart from live chat, mesmerising features like sharing media and other data are key features that allows WhatsApp to hold number of users with it. Although everything is quite handy in WhatsApp, but there’s a small security loop hole that will allow you to access someone else WhatsApp account.
You can certainly access same WhatsApp ID from two devices that will help you to have a close look on your friends WhatsApp activity. Some time back, we addressed How to spy on someone else WhatsApp account from your Androidbut today, let’s head over to “How to protect WhatsApp account from Hackers” :

*For iPhone users – Never share your MAC address :

Each WhatsApp account on iPhone is associated with unique MAC(Media access control) address as a password. If any one changes his/her device(MAC address also changes), they are requested to re-verify their WhatsApp account. Means you cannot access same WhatsApp account from two devices. But what if you got success in having same MAC address for two devices? You can certainly access same WhatsApp ID from two devices that will help you to have a close look on your friends WhatsApp activity.

Moreover, WhatsApp on Android and other devices can also be hacked through MAC address, but the fact is that victim can easily recover back without any hassle.

*For Android users – Never share your IMEI number :

Each WhatsApp account on Android is associated with IMEI(International mobile equipment identity) number as a password. If any one changes his/her device(IMEI number also changes), they are requested to re-verify their WhatsApp account. Means you cannot access same WhatsApp account from two devices. But what if you got success in having same IMEI number for two devices? You might have thought, How IMEI number can be spoofed, but you can study the fact at XDA link. So, it’s better not to share your IMEI number. It can be easily accesed by dialing *#06#  or can be found on the stickers under the battery.
In tests, according to heise Security, using WhatsAPI, the PHP-based WhatsApp API, hackers can easily access your WhatsApp account, whether you are using an iPhone or an Android. Hackers just need to enter the phone number and  MAC address or IMEI into a script and they can easily send WhatsApp message from your Account.

Moreover, script also allowed to receive messages as well. And the fact is that, sent messages are completely invisible on victims phone if the script is running.

*Secure your SMS app with password :

When someone else tries to spy on your WhatsApp account, WhatsApp send a verification code on your device. If the hacker (probably he would be a known person) got access over this message, his half of the task is completed. So, it’s better to password protect your SMS app.

Following the above steps would probably allow you to secure your WhatsApp account completely. 

How to protect WhatsApp account from Hackers

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