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Showing posts with label Other Hacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Other Hacks. Show all posts

Saturday, 21 February 2015


Android is an open source operating system based on the Linux kernel, initially developed by Android Inc., which Google bought in 2005. Initially, Android was developed to support touch screen devices like smartphones. These devices support different types of screen locks, like swipe lock, PIN lock, pattern lock, gesture lock, facial lock, etc.
Swipe lock unlocks the screen just by swiping a defined area on the screen with your fingertips. PIN lock is when you enter a correct pin, the screen will be unlocked. Pattern lock unlocks the screen when the user creates a pattern by joining nine circles on the screen, which is already saved on your system. This article is only based on the pattern locking system and does not cover biometric locking systems available on the phones.

Understanding Android Pattern Locks

Android Forensics: How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock - 1
Figure 1: Android Pattern lock with numbering
Patterns are nothing but the path traced by the fingers on the nine circles with the number starting from 1 to 9 from top-left corner to the right bottom corner as shown in the figure above. If we select a pattern 1478, the pattern would look as shown in Figure 2.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -2
Figure 2: Pattern for 1478
This pattern is saved with a 20-byte SHA-1 Hash. So the SHA-1 hash for 1478 will be “06CF96F30A7283FF7258FCEF5CF587ED51156C37” which is stored in a file named gesture.key in /data/system folder in Android’s internal memory.

The Catch

The catch to change the pattern is replace this file with a known pattern gesture.key file.


  1. Debugging mode should be enabled.
  2. Android adb (Android Debugger Bridge) tool.
  3. AVD (Android Virtual Device) Manager Tool.
  4. Device USB Cable
  5. Device whose password needed to be changed


Step 1
Start an AVD (Android Virtual Device), and create a pattern in the AVD. Open a command prompt. Execute the following command to check whether the AVD has been connected to the debugger or not.
1. adb devices
The output of the command should look as shown in Figure 3. If you see the name of your emulator on the screen, then your device is perfectly connected.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -3
Figure 3: Output of adb devices
Step 2
Now pull out the gesture.key file from the AVD. For this execute the command that is mentioned below. This file is located in /data/system.
1. adb pull /data/system/gesture.key gesture.key
The gesture.key file will be pulled to your current working directory. Here the syntax of command is adb pull . Here my current working directory is my home folder. So the gesture.key file will be pulled out in my local file system in my home directory.
The output of the command is as shown n Figure 4.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -4
Figure 4: Pulling out gesture.key file
Step 3
Now connect the other device, whose password is to be changed and close the AVD. For my example I will be using the same AVD. So now my password in my AVD is 1478 according to the pattern cell numbers. Figure 5 illustrates the pattern.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -5
Figure 5: Current pattern of the Device
In next step, it will be shown how to change the pattern of new device to a known pattern from the previous AVD which was 1236. Figure 6 illustrates the new pattern.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -6
Figure 6: The new pattern which is not stored in the AVD
Step 4
Now to change the password with a known pattern, we will push our known pattern file to the new device. The command for pushing a file into an android system is shown below. This file has to be pushed into /data/system of the new device.
adb push gesture.key /data/system/gesture.key
The gesture.key file will be pushed into the Android’s file system replacing the previous file. So now android will be having a new gesture file which contains a known password, and when we use this pattern to unlock the screen, the screen will be unlocked. The syntax for pushing a file into an Android system is adb push .
The output of the command is shown in Figure 7.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -7
Figure 7: Pushing the known pattern file into the android system
Now this changes the pattern of the new device with a known pattern. Figure 8 illustrates the known pattern unlock.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -8
Figure 8: Pattern replaced with a known pattern


  • The device should be rooted
  • The device should have USB debugging mode enabled


You can also look for the SHA-1 Hash values of the gesture key and match it with the database to find out the pattern lock combination. For this you can use my python script ( to automate the decoding process.
You can download the dictionary file from (25 MB)

Android Forensics: How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock

Saturday, 31 January 2015

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Sunday, 25 January 2015

How to SEO your website in 10 steps

Learn how to SEO your website in 10 steps and be on your way to higher rankings within minutes. This quick start guide includes links to my well known how to SEO your website guide which covers the process in much more detail should you need it.

Step 1 : How to SEO your domain name

What Your domain name is something like
How & Why
  • If you haven't registered a domain yet look for one that contains at least one of the keywords you want to rank for.
  • Avoid Exact match domain names.
  • If you already have a website established consider skipping this, it's only for an ideal world.
  • is better than
More For more detail skip to how to plan your SEO works.

Step 2 : How to SEO your URLs

What A URL might be something like The part we are talking about is thepageiwanttorank.html.
In WordPress it is known as the 'permalink'.
How & Why
  • Your purpose is to help search engines understand the content of the page because they place weight on the content of the URL and to make your page look more attractive in the search engine results.
  • Your URL should match the page title but you can strip 'dead words' out of it such as "and", "or", "the".
  • Good example: If your page title is 'bicycles for sale in mytown' your URL might be bicycles-for-sale-anytown.html.
  • Bad Example: A URL like page.php?product=bicyclesamp;town=anytownamp;transaction=forsale.
More For more detail skip to how to SEO your URLs.

Step 3 : How to SEO your page titles

What Each page has one title and this can be found:
  • within your HTML code tags <title> and </title>
  • are usually the post title in WordPress but can be edited if you have a plugin such as SEO for WordPress by Yoast.
How & Why
  • Your page title tells search engines what your content is about (and they will believe you if the content matches) so you should be looking to get one or two of the keywords you want to rank for in here.
  • The page title is also the blue text users click on in the search results of Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. so it should be interesting and engaging to encourage visitors to click through.
  • Every page on your site should have a unique title of no more than 70 characters (or it won't show fully in the search results).
  • example: If you were trying to rank for "successful website" then the title 10 steps to a successful website would be better than Things to make your site more popular because the former a) contains your keywords and b) is more attractive to users when seen in the search results.
More For more detail skip to how to SEO your meta tags.

Step 4 : How to SEO your meta description tag

What Each page has one meta description tag.
  • In the HTML code it looks like this: <meta description="The description of the page" />.
  • In WordPress the first 170 or so characters are taken from the post but you can edit this if you use a plugin such as SEO for Wordpress by Yoast.
How & Why
  • Every page should have a unique meta description of up to 190 characters which provides a summary of the page.
  • Meta descriptions often show as the black text in search results so they should be attractive and motivate internet users to click through.
  • Meta descriptions are ignored by search engines but as they can appear in the search results optimizing them is essential.
  • If in doubt use the first 190 characters from the pages visible content (not including the title).
  • Do not list keywords or go far over the 190 character limit.
  • Sticking with our 'bicycle shop in anytown' the home page meta description might be: "We stock a wide range of bicycles for sale and we're open 7am to 7pm daily. Find us on the High Street, anytown, call us on 0800-1975-765 or order online 24/7/365. Low prices guaranteed".
More For more detail skip to how to SEO your meta tags.

Step 5 : How to SEO (or not) your meta keyword tag

What If you have these you will find them on each page:
  • within your HTML written as <meta name="keywords" content="keyword one, keyword two, keyword three" />.
  • in WordPress there is often a field called "keywords" for each post or static page.
How & Why If you have keyword meta tags get rid of them. They are ignored by search engines and only assist your competitors in knowing what you are trying to rank for.
Example None - don't do it!
More For more detail skip to how to SEO your meta tags

Step 6 : How to SEO your keyword density

What Your keyword density is the percentage of times the keyword (or phrase) that you are trying to rank for shows in each page.
So if one of your keyword phrase is 'bicycles' and this appears twice in 100 words of content your density is 2%.
How & Why
  • Keep your keyword density for each word or phrase between 2 and 6% in order not to appear spammy and to ensure your text is easy to read.
  • Be aware that the major search engines understand different words that have the same meanings such as 'car' and 'automobile'.
  • Make sure your keywords appear naturally within the main text content of the page.
More Note that in the field of SEO keyword density is a hotly debated topic ranging from those who see it as essential to those who believe it is of no importance.
See the blog post Does keyword density matter in 2013? for more information.

Step 7 : How to SEO your internal links

What Internal links are any links within your website that take the user to another page within your website.
The text within the link is known as anchor text. For example <a href="myotherpage.html">This is the anchor text</a>
How & Why
  • Whenever possible make your link text (rather than a graphic) and make that text descriptive (see examples below).
  • Where you have no choice but to use 'click here' or 'see more' consider changing them into graphics so their text is ignored and then use the title tag within the link code to be descriptive.
  • If you are linking to a page about 'bicycle wheels' use 'bicycle wheels' as the text of the link, not (for example), 'click here'.
  • If you look in the box below I have not used click here as the link, instead I've used the title of the page I'm linking to.
More For more detail skip to How unhelpful code affects your SEO.

Step 8 : How to SEO your code

What Websites with poorly written code undermine the confidence search engines have in them because they will not be sure your pages will display correctly in all the different browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.
How & Why
  • For websites written in code before HTML5 use the W3C Validator service.
  • For websites written in HTML 5 use
  • Note you may not be able to reduce your errors to zero (some additions such as Facebook can cause issues) but you should look to minimise any mistakes within your control.
More For more detail skip to How unhelpful code affects your SEO.

Step 9 : How to SEO your visitor behaviour

What What your visitors do has a direct bearing on your organic rankings so you'll need to understand what makes them stay ... and what makes them leave.
How & Why
  • Make sure you have Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools set up correctly for your website.
  • Learn to analyse the successful pages and the not so successful pages by considering the click through rates, bounce rates, time on site, exit pages, visitor flow, etc.
More For more detail skip to User Behaviour and SEO.

Step 10 : How to SEO with link building

What Links from other websites to yours tell the search engines you are popular so long as they are quality links from quality websites.
Ideally the content you create should persuade others naturally to link to you or share your content on social media platforms such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc. so always consider your content as your number one link building tool.
How & Why
  • Do not engage in any link building 'programmes' or software. These are the fastest way to getting you banned from Google.
  • Think quality, not quantity. One good link is worth 1,000 poor quality ones.
  • Remember links from social media such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, etc. count so make it easy for your visitors to share your content.
More For more detail skip to Links in SEO.

How to SEO your website in 10 steps

Saturday, 24 January 2015

15 CMD Commands Every Windows User Should Know

Microsoft has slowly but surely pushed the command line aside in the Windows interface. This is not without reason, as it’s an antiquated and mostly unnecessary tool from an era of text-based input that has long passed.
But there still are some commands that remain useful, and Windows 8 even added new features. Here are the commands every Windows user needs to know.
In case you’re not sure how to access the command prompt, forgot basic commands, or would like to know how to see a list of  switches for each command, you can refer to our beginners guide to the Windows command line for instructions.


Most files in Windows are associated with a specific program that is assigned to open the file by default. At times, remembering these associations can become confusing. You can remind yourself by entering the command “assoc” to display a full list of file extensions and the programs they’re connected with.
You can also extend the command to change file associations. For example, “assoc .txt=” will change the file association for text files to whatever program you enter after the equal sign. The ASSOC command itself will reveal both the extension names and program names, which will help you properly use this command. You can probably do this more easily in the GUI, but the command line interface is a perfectly functional alternative.


Deleting files on a mechanical hard drive doesn’t really delete them at all. Instead, it marks the files as no longer accessible and the space they took up as free. The files remain recoverable until they’re overwritten with new data, which can take some time.The cipher command, however, can be used to wipe a directory by writing random data to it. To wipe your C drive, for example, you’d use the command “cipher /w:c”, which will wipe free space on the drive. The command does not overwrite undeleted data, so you will not wipe out files you need by running this command.
There’s also a host of other cipher commands, however, they are generally redundant with Bitlocker enabled versions of Windows.


Drivers remain among the most important software installed on a PC. Improperly configured or missing drivers can cause all sorts of trouble, so its good to have access to a list of what’s on your PC. That’s exactly what the “driverquery” command does. You can extend it to “driverquery -v” to obtain more information including the directory in which the driver is installed.

File Compare

This command can be used to identify differences in text between two files, and is particularly useful for writers and programmers trying to find small changes between two versions of a file. Simply type “fc” and then the directory path and file name of the two files you want to compare.
You can also extend the command in several ways. Typing “/b” compares only binary output, “/c” disregards the case of text in the comparison, and “/l” only compares ASCII text.
So, for example, you could use the following:
fc /l "C:\Program Files (x86)\example1.doc" "C:\Program Files (x86)\example2.doc"
to compare ASCII text in two word documents.


This command relays the IP address that your computer is currently using. However, if you’re behind a router (like most computers today), you’ll instead receive the local network address of the router.
Still, ipconfig is useful because of its extensions. “ipconfig /release” followed by “ipconfig /renew” can force your Windows PC into asking for a new IP address, which is useful if your computer claims one isn’t available. You can also use “ipconfig /flushdns” to refresh your DNS address. These commands are great if the Windows network troubleshooter chokes, which does happen on occasion.


Entering the command “netstat -an” will provide you with a list of currently open ports and related IP addresses. You’ll also be told what state the port is in – listening, established or closed. This is a great command if you’re trying to troubleshoot the devices your PC is connected to or you’re afraid you’re infected with a Trojan and are trying to locate a malicious connection.


Sometimes, you need to know whether or not packets are making it to a specific networked device. That’s where ping comes in handy. Typing “ping” followed by an IP address or web domain will send a series of test packets to the specified address. If they arrive and are returned, you know the device is capable of communicating with your PC; if it fails, you know that there’s something blocking communication between the device and your computer. This can help you decide if an issue is caused by improper configuration or a failure of network hardware.


This is a more advanced version of ping that’s useful if there are multiple routers between your PC and the device you’re testing. Like ping, you use this command by typing “pathping” followed by the IP address, but unlike ping, pathping also relays some information about the route the test packets take.


The “tracert” command is similar to pathping. Once again, type “tracert” followed by the IP address or domain you’d like to trace. You’ll receive information about each step in the route between your PC and the target. Unlike pathping, however, tracert also tracks how much time (in milliseconds) each hop between servers or devices takes.


Powercfg is a very powerful command for managing and tracking how your computer uses energy. You can use the command “powercfg /hibernate on” and “powercfg /hibernate off” to manage hibernation, and you can also use the command “powercfg /a” to view the power-saving states currently available on your PC.
Another useful command is “powercfg /devicequery s1_supported” which displays a list of devices on your computer that support connected standby. When enabled, these devices can be used to bring your computer out of standby – even remotely. You can enable this by selecting the device in Device Manager, opening its properties, going to the Power Management tab and then checking the “Allow this device to wake the computer” box.
“Powercfg /lastwake” will show you what device last woke your PC from a sleep state. You can use this command to troubleshoot your PC if it seems to wake from sleep at random.
The “powercfg /energy” command can be used to build a detailed power consumption report for your PC, which is output to a directory indicated after the command finishes. This report will let you know of any system faults that might increase power consumption, like devices that are blocking certain sleep modes, or which aren’t properly configured to respond to your power management settings.
Windows 8 added “powercfg /batteryreport”, which provides a detailed analysis of battery use, if applicable. Normally output to your Windows user directory, the report provides details about the time and length of charge and discharge cycles, lifetime average battery life, and estimated battery capacity.


As of Windows 8/8.1 there is now a shutdown command that – you guessed it! – shuts down your computer. This is of course redundant with the already easily accessed shutdown button, but what’s not redundant is the “shutdown /r /o” command, which restarts your PC and launches the Advanced Start Options menu, which is where you can access Safe Mode and Windows recovery utilities. This is useful if you want to restart your computer for troubleshooting purposes.

System File Checker

System File Checker is an automatic scan and repair tool that focuses on Windows system files. You will need to run the command prompt with administrator privileges and enter the command “sfc /scannow”. If any corrupt or missing files are found, they’ll be automatically replaced using cached copies kept by Windows for just that purpose. The command can require a half-hour to run on older notebooks.

Recovery Image

Virtually all Windows 8/8.1 computers ship from the factory with a recovery image, but the image may include bloatware you’d rather not have re-installed. Once you’ve un-installed the software you can create a new image using the “recimg” command. Entering this command presents a very detailed explanation of how to use it. You must have administrator privileges to use the recimg command, and you can only access the custom recovery image you create via the Windows 8 “refresh” feature.


The “tasklist” command can be used to provide a current list of all tasks running on your PC. Though somewhat redundant with Task Manager, the command may sometimes find tasks hidden from view in that utility.
There’s also a wide range of modifiers. “Tasklist -svc” shows services related to each task, “tasklist -v” can be used to obtain more detail on each task, and “tasklist -m” can be used to locate .dll files associated with active tasks. These commands are useful for advanced troubleshooting.


Tasks that appear in the “tasklist” command will have an executable and process ID (a four-digit number) associated with them. You can force stop a program using “taskkill -im” followed by the executable’s name, or “taskkill -pid” followed by the process ID. Again, this is a bit redundant with Task Manager, but may be used to kill otherwise unresponsive or hidden programs.


This article doesn’t cover every Windows command available. There are literally hundreds of them when all variables are included. Most, however, are no longer useful because they’ve been replaced by more convenient menus in the Windows GUI or simply aren’t commonly used (telnet, for example).
You can check out our Windows command cheat sheet for an expanded list or download Microsoft’s command line reference guide for advanced support and troubleshooting.
Which commands do you find yourself using frequently?

15 CMD Commands Every Windows User Should Know

Friday, 7 November 2014

5 most useful command of Backtrack

I'm trying to write 5 most useful things you should know in Backtrack Linux. Please check it below. 

1. About user name and password Backtrack use root for the username and toor for the password. You should provide it at the first time login in your first time installation. 

2. startx command. Don't shocked if you see the black screen with command only when you use backtrack. Backtrack designed to use command line, but if you want to enable the window, you can type startx command after you log in. 

3. Metasploit Framework The most famous tools in Backtrack is Metasploit framework, this tools is used for penetration testing into vulnerable system. You can go to metasploit framework by typing /pentest/exploits/framework3/msfconsole, and there's also /pentest/exploits/framework2/msfconsole. 

4. Log Out In Backtrack, you cannot restart or shutdown your computer from X-Window. One thing you can do when you finish use backtrack from X-Window is Log Out. To do this, click the Dragon icon at the bottom left of your Backtrack and then Click Log Out. 

5. Shutdown, Restart When you finish use the X-Windows, you will be inside the terminal again. To shutdown your Backtrack : poweroff To restart your Backtrack : reboot That's it…very simple right?just try it yourself

5 most useful command of Backtrack undefined undefined

Backtrack 5 : Using Armitage For Hacking

Stealing Files,Downloading Keystrokes,Controlling Webcam from remote Locations,ETC by Armitage.
Armitage is an GUI Platform for Metaspoilt and in technical terms,it is a script-able red team collaboration tool for Metasploit that visualizes targets, recommends exploits, and exposes the advanced post-exploitation features in the framework.It saves time and is very powerful in commencing Metaspoilt attacks.
So Now about our attack today :
What Do We Need ?
Latest Metasploit framework.
Oracle Java 1.7
Preferably Internet on LAN
Brains and Patience.
Now Lets Us Start Our Hack Today.
Step 1 -Open armitage on Backtrack 5:
By Going To : Backtrack > Exploitation Tools > Network Exploitation Tools > Metasploit Framework > armitage.
Step 2 : Connect Armitage:
Click on the connect Button .
Step 3 : Connecting Armitage :
Now use the patience part,and stretch your legs,it takes some time to connect.
Step 4 : Armitage Window :
It has 3 Panels -
Target Panel
Module Panel
Tabs Panel
Step 5 : Finding the alive host on the Network :
Now you will search for Host on you network,By Going to Hosts -> Nmap Scan -> Quick Scan (OS detect).This will perform a quick scan to detect the host and their operating systems and vulnerabilities.
Step 6 : Inputting The Scan Range :
Now You have to insert scan range,that is you LAN ip range,Most preferably it would start with 192.168.0.- or 10.0.0.-.NOTE : the ( - ) resembles the computers on LAN.
Start the Scan.
Step 7 : Scan Complete:
After the scan has completed,if their are any other PC's on your network on,then they would be visible in the Target Pane (the Big Black box on the upper right).
Step 8 : Finding Attacks :
Now the Fun Parts starts,Click on Attacks tab in your toolbar and select Find Attacks (Not hail mary,you might not be ready for that).Start the scan and wait till it completes.
Step 9 : Set the vulnerability :
Right Click on the Host icon (windows pc) -> Select attacks -> smb -> ms08_067_netapi vulnerability .
Now a window should pop,Click on the check-box that says "Use a reverse connection" .
Start Attack
Step 10 : The Final Result :
So did the Host Icon Turn Red ? That Means YOU PASSED.

Backtrack 5 : Using Armitage For Hacking

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name 

How to Trace Mobile Number With Name

According to Wikipedia, India is second biggest country in the world where mobile phone users are around 904.56 million. The most Well-known telecom providers in India are Vodafone, Tata DoCoMo, Uninor, Airtel, Idea, BSNL and Reliance. According to Wikipedia, The count of Cellular Members in India is increasing very quickly and India will become the biggest Telecoms System of the Globe within a few Decades. But sometimes individuals experience finds many Issues to trace mobile number with name. So in this post I’m going to demonstrate to how to trace mobile number of Any Cellular number. Actually, mobile number trace of any cellular user is very simple and you can trace number of cellular numbers information like owner name, Location etc. To trace mobile number with name, you just need to choose your country and get into the cellular number and after that you will see the actual name and place of the mobile number owner. So if you want to trace mobile number with name then follow below given instructions.

How to Trace Mobile Number for Owner’s Information:

There are so many websites are available in the internet for mobile number trace. But most of them are very limited to give the owner’s information. After lots of researching on internet, finally I discovered the best and reliable service to trace mobile number with name. The name of service is called “True Caller”.

What is TrueCaller and How it is useful for mobile number trace:

Truecaller is World’s biggest Cellular Community which is somewhat most helpful to discover Proprietor Name, Operator Name and Place of any mobile number quickly. Its customer is available for android operating system, iOS, symbian, blackberry and MS windows Mobile phones. You can also use the Truecaller on your Laptop, computers or PC by going to their official Site. Now the query comes in mind is that “How to trace mobile number with TrueCaller?” The answer is very easy, when your buddy or any other person that have added your cellular number in their cell phone and have set up the TrueCaller app on their Mobile phones then TrueCaller will start sending the contacts information to their Server. And then it will work for Mobile Number Trace.

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name:

1. First of all visit the official site of TrueCaller
2. Select your country from the drop down menu
3. Now enter the mobile number to trace it’s user name
Select Your Country From Drop Down Menu – Trace Mobile Number With Name
4. You can see the search button there, just click on it. And then you are required to sign on via Facebook, Google +, Linkedin, Twitter and Yahoo.
Sign in – TrueCaller
After completing above steps, now you can see the name of mobile owner with other information.
Mobile Owner’s Information: Mobile Number Trace
There is the limitation on TrueCaller that it does not provide information of every mobile number. So you should also try their alternatives available in the internet for mobile number trace.

Watch out this Video – How to Trace Mobile Number with Name

If you want to remove your information from TrueCaller database, you can do it by visiting TrueCaller’s Unlist page.

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name

Thursday, 23 October 2014

How to Use WhatsApp on PC | Download & Install WhatsApp on PC

How To Use WhatsApp on PC

WhatsApp is an interactive messaging and media sharing app for smartphones. All around the world, about five hundred to six hundred smartphone users are hooked on using WhatsApp. The reason why WhatsApp is quite famous is because it is the awesome smartphone messaging app available today. It is loaded with multiple features which make communicating with people exciting and informative.
However, one of the biggest drawbacks of the WhatsApp application is that it is not quite compatible with various cell phones. If you are a part of the elite members whose cell phone is not congenial to the WhatsApp apps, then you don’t need to worry about it. It is quite simple on how to use WhatsApp on pc. This is the exclusive tutorial on how to install WhatsApp on PC by Qd Tricks.
how to use whatsapp on pc

How to Download Whatsapp forPC

It is true that WhatsApp is the famous social networking and commonly used messaging platform available today. Limited to smartphone, it cannot be used for all PCs and tablets. Of course, certain 3G facility-run Android tablets will help you to make phone calls and they are the ones which have the WhatsApp facility. Even the iPod and iPad having the 3G SIM card slot for online needs don’t have WhatsApp compatibility.
Also View: Cool WhatsApp Tricks

The Following Steps Would Help You to Install WhatsApp on PC:

1) The first step is to install the Bluestack (It is necessary to install WhatsApp on PC). It would be better if you download the version of Bluestack .

Download BlueStack (Direct Link)

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2) Once you have downloaded it then start the installation procedure.

download whatsapp for pc

3) When the installation starts, there are chances that you may come across a message asking for graphic card requirement. So, in case if you are not using any graphic card and a pop-up message appears, just click the ‘OK’ button, the installation won’t end or get disrupted.
4) Clicking the app store icon:- The next step in the “How to download WhatsApp for PC” procedure is to click on the application store icon to gain access to the latest Android app markets like 1Mobile, Amazon App and Get Jar. Of course, there are other Android app markets, but the above given three are highly recommendable.
5) Installation: Once you have selected the required Android app market, then the next step in “how to install WhatsApp on pc” is to search the WhatsApp messenger and get it installed on the computer.

install whatsapp on pc

6) Verification: This is the last step in the “download WhatsApp for pc” procedure. When the application gets installed, an icon will appear and you need to just click on that given icon and type in your mobile number for verification.

download and install whatsapp on pc
WhatsApp for PC is installed in your computer. Now, you can easily use the WhatsApp application on your given device just like your friends and accomplices do. Always make sure that you are not using the WhatsApp application on any other device with the same number. In case if you do so, then the particular device will get deactivated and will again ask for reverification. In case you verify it, then the WhatsApp installed in the PC will get disabled.
Also View: More WhatsApp Tricks
It is quite common, as WhatsApp can only be used on a single device with a number. If you have another number and don’t use WhatsApp on it, then may use that particular number for WhatsApp communication and interaction. In short, the basic procedure on how to use WhatsApp on pc is quite simple and easy.
If you like our post download and install whatsapp on pc, you can share it with your friends via social media button given below.

How to Use WhatsApp on PC | Download & Install WhatsApp on PC

Monday, 20 October 2014

Hacking Into Live Unsecured Cameras Around The World 2014

Hacking into live unsecured cameras(ip cams) around the world is possible with this simple technique called “Google Hacking”. We are just looking for unsecured cameras around the world by writing a simple string on google to hack into them. Follow the steps below : –
1) Choose any of these strings to enter on google :-
  • inurl:”CgiStart?page=”
  • inurl:/view.shtml
  • intitle:”Live View / – AXIS
  • inurl:view/view.shtml
  • inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=
  • inurl:ViewerFrame?Mode=Refresh
  • inurl:axis-cgi/jpg
  • inurl:axis-cgi/mjpg (motion-JPEG) (disconnected)
  • inurl:view/indexFrame.shtml
  • inurl:view/index.shtml
  • inurl:view/view.shtml
  • liveapplet
  • intitle:”live view”
  • intitle:axis
  • intitle:liveapplet
  • allintitle:”Network Camera NetworkCamera” (disconnected)
  • intitle:axis intitle:”video server”
  • intitle:liveapplet inurl:LvAppl
  • intitle:”EvoCam” inurl:”webcam.html”
  • intitle:”Live NetSnap Cam-Server feed”
  • intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”
  • intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206M”
  • intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 206W”
  • intitle:”Live View / – AXIS 210?
  • inurl:indexFrame.shtml Axis
  • inurl:”MultiCameraFrame?Mode=Motion” (disconnected)
  • intitle:start inurl:cgistart
  • intitle:”WJ-NT104 Main Page”
  • intitle:snc-z20 inurl:home/
  • intitle:snc-cs3 inurl:home/
  • intitle:snc-rz30 inurl:home/
  • intitle:”sony network camera snc-p1?
  • intitle:”sony network camera snc-m1?
  • intitle:”Toshiba Network Camera” user login
  • intitle:”netcam live image” (disconnected)
  • intitle:”i-Catcher Console – Web Monitor”
2)Once you have picked one, simply copy it, and paste in on google.
3)Now choose any result and you will be seeing a live camera.

Hacking Into Live Unsecured Cameras Around The World 2014

Sunday, 12 October 2014

Build Your Own Games, Become A Programmer

game programming

Video games are a blast to play! Wouldn’t it be great to have a part in creating them? But where do you start? For a gamer, being able to take part in creating games would be like a dream come true. Let’s look at a few facts about the gaming industry. In 2012, the gaming industry accounted for $20.77 billion in revenue including hardware, software and accessories. Most of these companies were based in the United States. More detailed information can be found here.

So, we have an enormously large industry and most of it is located right here in the United States. There is no reason why a person with the desire and discipline cannot make their dream job a reality!

The following are some steps to help get you out on the path to your future in gaming. The best part is that most of these options are free. But do require some discipline and effort... and practice, practice, practice!

Be informed, educate yourself

There are some major sources of information online regarding the gaming industry. Become involved with these websites. join in on discussions in the forums and even try to contact individuals from the forums that seem willing to be helpful to newcomers. These sources can be invaluable in learning what trainings and skills are a must for someone to become a professional. A few industry online publications are Gameslice and Gamasutra.

Determine what skills and knowledge you now possess

Begin gathering information about the types of games you wish to program. Having a firm grasp on the games you like to play and programming languages that were used to make those games will begin to steer you in the direction you need to go. Programming, also known as coding, can be difficult in the beginning. Luckily there are many web sites on the internet that offer free learning tutorials for beginners in any language you can imagine. It is recommended to start with some of these free tutorials just to get your feet wet and get you used to the vocabulary of the industry. Check out below article to learn programming.

Top 6 Websites To Learn Computer Programming Languages

Get to know commercially available game engines

Most games have a game engine. The game engine is kind of like the foundation that the code works with to create the desired effect within the game. Most of these are available freely either with a game or can be downloaded. You may have heard of some of them: Unreal, Crysis, Source, FrostBite and Creation are just a few of the larger ones. Discover which game engine your favorite games run on and play with the engine yourself.

Take a Coding Class

This is where it all begins to get real. You need some official coding classes. As a starter, consider a course in DarkBasic. DarkBasic is one of the most recommended beginner languages. At this point you should also consider taking a course in Microsoft Visual Basic. A good knowledge of Visual Basic will provide you with the understanding of how code works with Windows operating systems. There are numerous schools whose sole focus is coding. Research the ones who are interested in and to go back to the forums, or individuals you met there and ask their opinions. Then make your decision and register for the classes.

Develop a problem-solving attitude

It cannot be stated more strongly how important a problem-solving attitude can be in game development. You really have to love solving problems. The larger part of coding is developing the code itself. The second largest part of coding is solving all of the problems with the initial code that you developed. You will be spending a large portion of your time resolving problems in your code... So having a problem-solving attitude is crucial to your future career.

Build Your Own Games, Become A Programmer

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