Sheeraz Hacks Production We Hack For You: Facebook Tricks
Showing posts with label Facebook Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Facebook Tricks. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Latest Facebook Phishing Codes 2015 For Wapka

Posted by Sheeraz Ali


Facebook Hacking By Sheeraz Ali
Latest Facebook Phishing Codes 2015 For Wapka

====>>> Steps to perform mobile phishing via wapka:

Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account
First create a new wapka account by clicking here.
Step 2: Now login to your account and go to (Site List) and create a new site.
Example: Then click on Manage
Step 3: Now you have 2 modes availabe, Click on Admin mode.
Step 4: As you click on Admin mode you redirects to a Blank page. it’s blank because till now you do nothing to your newly created site.
At the Lower right most corner you have a link ::EDIT SITE(#):: click on it.
Step 5: Now click on – (WML/XHTML code).On clicking it you have window.


Step 6: For Wml/Xhtml Code We Have Some Codes..
1.Original facebook Phishing Code Click Here.
2.Facebook Accont Secrity Phishing Code Click Here
3.Teen Patti Phishing Code For Facebook Hacking Click Here
4. Autoliker Phishing Code For Phishing Code Click Here

Copy all the code and paste it into (WML/XHTML code) box and click on Submit button.
Step 7: It’s all over now send your site link which was created at Step 2 to your victim. As your victim login to your page his/her E-mail and Password sends to your E-mail by which you have created your account at wapka at first step.
So friends Enjoy hacking………….
Note: It’s only for education purpose don’t use it to fraud. Admin is not responsible for whatever you will do from your newly acquired knowledge.

Latest Facebook Phishing Codes 2015 For Wapka

Thursday, 29 January 2015

Subway Surfers Unlimited Coins Hack for Windows PC

Hey everyone today I have very simple but great tutorial which will allow you to get unlimited coins on your Subway surfers PC version, so this was requested by one of our reader I would like to thank him for asking us to post something that will be beneficial for everyone. So now guys getting unlimited coins on subway surfers Android & iOS was posted earlier you can see that if you are on one of those devices, but if you are on windows and you were searching for this hack, then your search ends here, we have text and video tutorial ready to rock your game.
So now guys we will be using a simple tool called "Cheat Engine" that will allow us to manipulate the scores on this game, so check below full tutorial.
  1. Things you will need ?

    1. Subway Surfers PC version download for free.
    2. Cheat Engine games manipulating tool.
    3. Little software operating knowledge :)
    Make sure you have downloaded the Subway Surfers PC version.
  2. Now download the respected Cheat Engine that's the main console in this tut.
  3. Now Fire Up your game and play for a little while grabbing few coins like 10-20 and then pause the game.
  4. Now open your Cheat Engine and now you will see shining computer icon that's the process opening button.
  5. Click that and choose Subway Surfers from the menu and press Open.
  6. So ok your game has been loaded, just enter the exact coins value in the value field you can see under the First Scan & Next Scan option.
  7. Now make sure the Scan Type is "Exact Value" and Value Type is "4 Bytes", now just press First Scan option.
  8. It will scan and might slow down your PC depending on your PC speed, now it will show number of addresses in the left hand side column.
  9. Now we need to narrow the search, so just resume your game and play for few more coins till you gain till 30-40 now again pause the game and once again search the new value but now press Next Scan with new number.
  10. That's it now you will get 1-2 address, so repeat this process till you get one single address and then just double that address.
  11. Now your address will get loaded below, just press double click on Value and change the value to whatever you want your coins to be like 9999999, that's it press OK.
  12. Now just resume your game again and in 1-2 seconds you will see your new coins updated, yoohoo! you have manipulated the Subway Surfers game with Unlimited coins trick, so have fun and enjoy.
Well if you are still a confused bunny, well I recommend you watch the below 6 min video tutorial on manipulating your game, you will surely find it helpful, if have even demonstrated the new added coins :) Have fun and do comment.

Subway Surfers Unlimited Coins Hack for Windows PC

Saturday, 24 January 2015


Three days ago I finished the series on Gmail Session Hijacking and Cookie Stealing , due to a tremendous response of readers I planned to write a post on Facebook cookie stealing and Session hijacking. Facebook session hijacking can also be accomplished via a very popular tool called Firesheep(On a Wifi Network Only), which I won't be explaining here because I have already written it before in my post Facebook Hacking Made Easy With Firesheep
In this tutorial I will explain you how an attacker can capture your authentication cookies on a local area network and use them to hack your facebook account, Before reading this tutorial I would recommend you to part1, part2 and part 3 of my Gmail Session Hijacking and Cookie stealing series, So you could have better understanding of what I am doing here.
Gmail Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking Part 1
Gmail Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking Part 2
Gmail Cookie Stealing And Session Hijacking Part 3
Facebook Authentication Cookies
The cookie which facebook uses to authenticate it's users is called "Datr", If an attacker can get hold of your authentication cookies, All he needs to do is to inject those cookies in his browser and he will gain access to your account. This is how a facebook authentication cookie looks like:
Cookie: datr=1276721606-b7f94f977295759399293c5b0767618dc02111ede159a827030fc;
How To Steal Facebook Session Cookies And Hijack An Account?
An attacker can use variety of methods in order to steal your facebook authentication cookies depending upon the network he is on, If an attacker is on a hub based network he would just sniff traffic with any packet sniffer and gain access to victims account.
If an attacker is on a Switch based network he would use an ARP Poisoning request to capture authentication cookies, If an attacker is on a wireless network he just needs to use a simple tool called firesheep in order to capture authentication cookie and gain access to victims account.
In the example below I will be explaining how an attacker can capture your authentication cookies and hack your facebook account with wireshark.
Step 1 - First of all download wireshark from the official website and install it.
Step 2 - Next open up wireshark click on analyze and then click on interfaces.
Step 3 - Next choose the appropriate interface and click on start.
Step 4 - Continue sniffing for around 10 minutes.
Step 5 - After 10minutes stop the packet sniffing by going to the capture menu and clicking on Stop.
Step 6 - Next set the filter to http.cookie contains “datr” at top left, This filter will search for all the http cookies with the name datr, And datr as we know is the name of the facebook authentication cookie.
Step 7 - Next right click on it and goto Copy - Bytes - Printable Text only.
Step 7 - Next right click on it and goto Copy - Bytes - Printable Text only.
Step 8 - Next you’ll want to open up firefox. You’ll need both Greasemonkey and the cookieinjector script. Now open up and make sure that you are not logged in.
Step 9- Press Alt C to bring up the cookie injector, Simply paste in the cookie value into it.
Step 10 - Now refresh your page and viola you are logged in to the victims facebook account.
Note: This Attack will only work if victim is on a http:// connection and even on https:// if end to end encryption is not enabled.


Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Merge Facebook Big Page Into Small - Same or Different Names Pages

BY - Sheeraz Ali

merge facebook pages
Once again we are back with another merge Tricks for Facebook Pages this their is no need of IPs or any other technique which makes process difficult. I recently i post about change name from suggestions this merge method also works in same manner. By using this merge technique you can merge more likes page into less likes or 0 like page with same name or also with different name. You can also merge any another already page with different name within 5 minutes.
This is not some difficult task and totally safe because we are change name with all given feature by Facebook not by using any unofficial technique. In this method You have to make your pages a place page first with same address then just by making 1 page as duplicate place page you will be able to merge.

Important Update:- This method is no longer working. Sorry for inconvenience but if want to test this method then try it on your behalf just for knowledge purpose. Otherwise follow official method which is working fine

Follow New Method:-  Merge Facebook Pages

How To Merge Facebook Pages  ?

Settings For Pages

These are some settings for pages you want to merge so make these changes same in all pages which you want to merge.
  • Change Page Category To Local Business and select same catagory for all pages
  • Then Add same one sub catagory
  • Add Accurate address to make Place Page and to Show Check-ins Settings
facebook page info
  • Set Page Hours To Always Open
  • Then add Website
These are are some required settings do forget to add then same in pages which you want to merge otherwise it is not possible to implement this trick.

Suggest Page as Duplicate

 Make Sure that before following this method you are manager of all pages which you want to merge.
  • Now Open Your Page in any another Id Where you are not admin of Page.
  • Then Click on Suggest an Edit Just below the About Section

facebook suggest an edit
  • In Suggestion form their is last option of Duplicate Place Page.
  • Simply Add Name Or URL for second page which you want to merge.
facebook duplicate place
  • After adding duplicate place follow same process from 3,5 Profiles which are not admin and approve the page as duplicate.
  • After Approving Now Check Back Your Page Settings of Both Pages Merge Option will appear.
facebook merge
  • Now Tick page and merge then successfully.
  • If you don't know how to merge pages then follow this article about 

Suppose If you Face Error While Merging Then follow this method mention in Part 2nd

Merge Facebook Pages With Errors - Solution To Remove Error

I hope You like this trick to merge pages with different name. If you face error while merging don't Worry i will explain that in my next article of  this tricks to understand easily both i feel to write different article about merging pages with error.
If you have any doubt feel free to ask me in below given comment box.

Merge Facebook Big Page Into Small - Same or Different Names Pages

5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

By Sheeraz Ali
At this point, you are all probably pretty familiar with Facebook, and some of the more common features like updating statuses, checking-in, browsing profiles, pages, and apps, and many more day to day actions.
However, most people are not aware of a number of interesting, but mostly useless, tricks and hacks, which you can perform on Facebook today.
Here are five of our favorite useless, but interesting, Facebook tricks and hacks for you try:

Removing Your Last Name in Your Facebook Profile

SEJ 4 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

The Trick:

As part of Facebook’s security checks, you are required to completely fill out your account details to successfully create an account. By default, Facebook requires every user to enter their full name prior to saving their profile settings.
With this trick, you will be able to bypass Facebook’s restrictions and drop your last name.

How to Do it:

1) Open Mozilla Firefox (Firefox is required for this hack to work)
2) Go to Options -> Advanced -> Network -> Settings -> Connection Settings -> Manual Proxy Configuration
3) In the HTTP Proxy Field, enter, port 8080, or use any Indonesian Proxy.
SEJ 5 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

4) On your facebook profile, go to Account settings — > Change Language to BAHASA INDONESIA
5) Remove your middle name & last name.
SEJ 6 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

Adding Animated Custom Tabs

SEJ 7 637x139 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

The Trick:

Facebook doesn’t allow users to upload animated GIFs anywhere on the site, so if you wanted to have an animated GIF somewhere, you’re out of luck, unless…
There is a trick that allows anyone, who has the following resources, to bypass this limitation in uploading animated GIFs for custom tabs.

How to Do it:

1)       You must have Adobe Photoshop C5 & Quicktime Player.
2)       Select the animate GIF you want to upload.
3)       Open Adobe Photoshop CS5 and go to File > Import > Video frames to layers. In the File Name box, just enter *.* as your filename and choose your GIF image.
4)       Resize your GIF to 111 x 74 pixels to fit the custom tab image .
5)       Save your file in a PSD format. Check the save option, ‘LAYERS’

Creating Your Own Emoticon on Facebook Chat

SEJ 8 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know
 SEJ 9 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

The Trick:

While this is not actually new, many people have no idea about this feature. Since 2011, Facebook has allowed users to chat with their friends using custom emoticons, and now you can too. Just by getting a page’s or a profile’s ID or username, Facebook will let you use their profile pictures as your chat emoticon in thumbnails…
*note this only works in the Facebook Chat and not in updates. 

How to Do it:

1)       Go to any profile, official Page, or event that you want to use as an emoticon.
2)       Look for the profile ID at the end of the URL, such as “Mcdonalds” from
3)       Place that username or number in double brackets like [[Mcdonalds]]
Note: Pages with no username /vanity URL  e.g have default ID numbers displayed on their URLs (  So when you cannot find  a profile or a page’s username, just refer to the numbers at the end of the URL, instead. 
4)       Enter that into a Facebook Chat or Message field.
Rage Faces IDs:
Here is a collection of a few rage faces courtesy of Reddit.
Using Profile IDs
Troll face: [[171108522930776]]
Are you f****** kidding me : [[143220739082110]]
Not bad Obama: [[169919399735055]]
Me G usta: [[211782832186415]]
Mother of God: [[142670085793927]]
Cereal Guy: [[170815706323196]]
LOL Face: [[168456309878025]]
NO Guy: [[167359756658519]]
Yao Ming: [[218595638164996]]
Derp: [[224812970902314]]
Derpina: [[192644604154319]]
Forever Alone: [[177903015598419]]
F yeah: [[105387672833401]]
Challenge accepted: [[100002727365206]]
Okay face: [[100002752520227]]
Poker face: [[129627277060203]]
Okay face: [[224812970902314]]
Socially awkward penguin: [[98438140742]]
No: [[167359756658519]]
MOG: [[142670085793927]]
Like a sir: [[168040846586189]]
Using Usernames / Vanity URL
Not Bad: [[NotBaad]]
Rage face: [[FUUUOFFICIAL]]

Making Your Profile Photo Un-clickable

9 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

The Trick:

Not everyone really wants to have their header image clickable, but yet that’s the way Facebook header images work, or do they? Well, if you’re curious, you should give this one a try:

How to Do it:

1)       Go to your Albums – > Profile Pictures
2)       Select your current profile picture.
3)       Adjust privacy setting to “Only Me”

Selecting / Inviting All Friends

se 5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

The Trick:

Selecting and inviting all of your friends in an event can be a tedious task, especially if you have more than 1,000 friends to send invitations to.
Luckily, this trick that allows users to select/invite all of their friends in an event or an app – with just one click.

How to Do it:

1)       Open Firefox and go to your Facebook page to invite all friends to like your page.
2)       Select “All Friends” instead of “Recent Interaction” so that you can invite all friends to your page. Scroll down till all of your friends are shown in the page.
3)       Press Ctrl+Shift+K and a small window will appear at bottom.
4)       Paste the below code in it and click enter.
javascript:elms=document.getElementsByName(“checkableitems[]”);for (i=0;i < elms.length;i++){if (elms[i].type=”checkbox” )elms[i].click()};
Hacks and Tricks like the above, should always be attempted using caution. We are not aware of anyone ever getting in trouble for using the above tricks, but in some cases they do bypass the intended functionality of Facebook, so be careful.
Which of these tricks is your favorite? If you have any new Facebook tricks you would like to share, please let us know in the comments!

5 Interesting Facebook Tricks You Might Not Know

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