Sheeraz Hacks Production We Hack For You: Android Tricks
Showing posts with label Android Tricks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android Tricks. Show all posts

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Latest Facebook Phishing Codes 2015 For Wapka

Posted by Sheeraz Ali


Facebook Hacking By Sheeraz Ali
Latest Facebook Phishing Codes 2015 For Wapka

====>>> Steps to perform mobile phishing via wapka:

Step 1: Register a new Wapka Account
First create a new wapka account by clicking here.
Step 2: Now login to your account and go to (Site List) and create a new site.
Example: Then click on Manage
Step 3: Now you have 2 modes availabe, Click on Admin mode.
Step 4: As you click on Admin mode you redirects to a Blank page. it’s blank because till now you do nothing to your newly created site.
At the Lower right most corner you have a link ::EDIT SITE(#):: click on it.
Step 5: Now click on – (WML/XHTML code).On clicking it you have window.


Step 6: For Wml/Xhtml Code We Have Some Codes..
1.Original facebook Phishing Code Click Here.
2.Facebook Accont Secrity Phishing Code Click Here
3.Teen Patti Phishing Code For Facebook Hacking Click Here
4. Autoliker Phishing Code For Phishing Code Click Here

Copy all the code and paste it into (WML/XHTML code) box and click on Submit button.
Step 7: It’s all over now send your site link which was created at Step 2 to your victim. As your victim login to your page his/her E-mail and Password sends to your E-mail by which you have created your account at wapka at first step.
So friends Enjoy hacking………….
Note: It’s only for education purpose don’t use it to fraud. Admin is not responsible for whatever you will do from your newly acquired knowledge.

Latest Facebook Phishing Codes 2015 For Wapka

Saturday, 21 February 2015


Android is an open source operating system based on the Linux kernel, initially developed by Android Inc., which Google bought in 2005. Initially, Android was developed to support touch screen devices like smartphones. These devices support different types of screen locks, like swipe lock, PIN lock, pattern lock, gesture lock, facial lock, etc.
Swipe lock unlocks the screen just by swiping a defined area on the screen with your fingertips. PIN lock is when you enter a correct pin, the screen will be unlocked. Pattern lock unlocks the screen when the user creates a pattern by joining nine circles on the screen, which is already saved on your system. This article is only based on the pattern locking system and does not cover biometric locking systems available on the phones.

Understanding Android Pattern Locks

Android Forensics: How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock - 1
Figure 1: Android Pattern lock with numbering
Patterns are nothing but the path traced by the fingers on the nine circles with the number starting from 1 to 9 from top-left corner to the right bottom corner as shown in the figure above. If we select a pattern 1478, the pattern would look as shown in Figure 2.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -2
Figure 2: Pattern for 1478
This pattern is saved with a 20-byte SHA-1 Hash. So the SHA-1 hash for 1478 will be “06CF96F30A7283FF7258FCEF5CF587ED51156C37” which is stored in a file named gesture.key in /data/system folder in Android’s internal memory.

The Catch

The catch to change the pattern is replace this file with a known pattern gesture.key file.


  1. Debugging mode should be enabled.
  2. Android adb (Android Debugger Bridge) tool.
  3. AVD (Android Virtual Device) Manager Tool.
  4. Device USB Cable
  5. Device whose password needed to be changed


Step 1
Start an AVD (Android Virtual Device), and create a pattern in the AVD. Open a command prompt. Execute the following command to check whether the AVD has been connected to the debugger or not.
1. adb devices
The output of the command should look as shown in Figure 3. If you see the name of your emulator on the screen, then your device is perfectly connected.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -3
Figure 3: Output of adb devices
Step 2
Now pull out the gesture.key file from the AVD. For this execute the command that is mentioned below. This file is located in /data/system.
1. adb pull /data/system/gesture.key gesture.key
The gesture.key file will be pulled to your current working directory. Here the syntax of command is adb pull . Here my current working directory is my home folder. So the gesture.key file will be pulled out in my local file system in my home directory.
The output of the command is as shown n Figure 4.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -4
Figure 4: Pulling out gesture.key file
Step 3
Now connect the other device, whose password is to be changed and close the AVD. For my example I will be using the same AVD. So now my password in my AVD is 1478 according to the pattern cell numbers. Figure 5 illustrates the pattern.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -5
Figure 5: Current pattern of the Device
In next step, it will be shown how to change the pattern of new device to a known pattern from the previous AVD which was 1236. Figure 6 illustrates the new pattern.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -6
Figure 6: The new pattern which is not stored in the AVD
Step 4
Now to change the password with a known pattern, we will push our known pattern file to the new device. The command for pushing a file into an android system is shown below. This file has to be pushed into /data/system of the new device.
adb push gesture.key /data/system/gesture.key
The gesture.key file will be pushed into the Android’s file system replacing the previous file. So now android will be having a new gesture file which contains a known password, and when we use this pattern to unlock the screen, the screen will be unlocked. The syntax for pushing a file into an Android system is adb push .
The output of the command is shown in Figure 7.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -7
Figure 7: Pushing the known pattern file into the android system
Now this changes the pattern of the new device with a known pattern. Figure 8 illustrates the known pattern unlock.
Android Forensics How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock -8
Figure 8: Pattern replaced with a known pattern


  • The device should be rooted
  • The device should have USB debugging mode enabled


You can also look for the SHA-1 Hash values of the gesture key and match it with the database to find out the pattern lock combination. For this you can use my python script ( to automate the decoding process.
You can download the dictionary file from (25 MB)

Android Forensics: How To Bypass The Android Phone Pattern Lock

Saturday, 31 January 2015

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Thursday, 29 January 2015

Subway Surfers Unlimited Coins Hack for Windows PC

Hey everyone today I have very simple but great tutorial which will allow you to get unlimited coins on your Subway surfers PC version, so this was requested by one of our reader I would like to thank him for asking us to post something that will be beneficial for everyone. So now guys getting unlimited coins on subway surfers Android & iOS was posted earlier you can see that if you are on one of those devices, but if you are on windows and you were searching for this hack, then your search ends here, we have text and video tutorial ready to rock your game.
So now guys we will be using a simple tool called "Cheat Engine" that will allow us to manipulate the scores on this game, so check below full tutorial.
  1. Things you will need ?

    1. Subway Surfers PC version download for free.
    2. Cheat Engine games manipulating tool.
    3. Little software operating knowledge :)
    Make sure you have downloaded the Subway Surfers PC version.
  2. Now download the respected Cheat Engine that's the main console in this tut.
  3. Now Fire Up your game and play for a little while grabbing few coins like 10-20 and then pause the game.
  4. Now open your Cheat Engine and now you will see shining computer icon that's the process opening button.
  5. Click that and choose Subway Surfers from the menu and press Open.
  6. So ok your game has been loaded, just enter the exact coins value in the value field you can see under the First Scan & Next Scan option.
  7. Now make sure the Scan Type is "Exact Value" and Value Type is "4 Bytes", now just press First Scan option.
  8. It will scan and might slow down your PC depending on your PC speed, now it will show number of addresses in the left hand side column.
  9. Now we need to narrow the search, so just resume your game and play for few more coins till you gain till 30-40 now again pause the game and once again search the new value but now press Next Scan with new number.
  10. That's it now you will get 1-2 address, so repeat this process till you get one single address and then just double that address.
  11. Now your address will get loaded below, just press double click on Value and change the value to whatever you want your coins to be like 9999999, that's it press OK.
  12. Now just resume your game again and in 1-2 seconds you will see your new coins updated, yoohoo! you have manipulated the Subway Surfers game with Unlimited coins trick, so have fun and enjoy.
Well if you are still a confused bunny, well I recommend you watch the below 6 min video tutorial on manipulating your game, you will surely find it helpful, if have even demonstrated the new added coins :) Have fun and do comment.

Subway Surfers Unlimited Coins Hack for Windows PC

Thursday, 30 October 2014

How to speed up the Samsung Galaxy S3


8The Samsung Galaxy S range continues to remain incredibly popular – the large screen is clearly a huge draw. Things kicked off with the S and quickly move to the Galaxy S2, and we're already all the way up to the Galaxy S5. If you jumped on the Galaxy bandwagon a little while back, you may have a Samsung Galaxy S3. If you've found that it's starting to feel a little slow, take a look at the tips below; you should be able to speed up your Galaxy S3 in next to no time.
it teaser s3
It might not be the newest handset, but the Samsung Galaxy S3 is still a powerful phone. / © ANDROIDPIT
Your phone may have started to feel a little slow over the years, particularly if you compare it to the latest and greatest handsets. But before you rush out to the shop to upgrade, you might want to try some of these tricks to help boost the performance of your Galaxy S3

Clear out the clutter

If you've had your phone for a couple of years, it's probably full to bursting. Your phone's performance will suffer if it is completely – or nearly full – so it's worth having a clear out from time to time to help accelerate things. While there's nothing to stop you from manually remove apps and files, it makes sense to get a little help from a dedicated app to make it easier.
ccleaner apps
You can manually remove apps you don't need, but CCleaner speeds things up. / © ANDROIDPIT
CCleaner is an app that may be familiar to Windows users, but it is also available for Android. Fire up the app, and you can opt to uninstall multiple apps in one fell swoop rather than having to work through them one by one.
Tap the menu button to the upper left of the screen and select the App Manager option before ticking the boxes next to any apps you want to remove.
You can then tap the Uninstall button at the bottom of the screen.
ccleaner files
CCleaner also makes it very easy to delete large numbers of files at once. / © ANDROIDPIT
This is not all CCleaner is capable of; it can also be used to help free up more space by deleting file. Select the Cleaner option from the menu and tap the Analyse button at the bottom of the screen. CCleaner will spend a moment determining how you storage is being used. You can work through the list, selecting types of files you would like to remove (such as cache files and things stored on the clipboard) and then hit the Clean button to free up all of this space.

Disable special effects

The animations that accompany certain actions – such as opening an app or moving between screens – may look nice, but they are also something of a waste of time and resources. If you'd like to make things a little snappier you can disable animation effects entirely, but you will need to ensure that you have enabled Developer options first.
A simple way to speed up your phone is to disable animation effects. / © ANDROIDPIT
Head to Settings, tap Developer options in the Security manager section, and flip the setting to On before tapping OK. Scroll down to the Drawing section and tap the Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale settings in turn. In each case, select the Animation off setting and you should notice an improvement in overall responsiveness.

Kill S Voice

Many people are fans of voice activated controls, but if you do not fall into that category, you probably find that S Voice is just an annoyance. But more than being an irritant, Samsung's alternative to Google Now slows down your device unnecessarily. If you are tired of accidentally initiating the feature and wasting time, it can be easily disabled.
s voice
If you hate S Voice, you can banish it and speed up your phone into the bargain. / © ANDROIDPIT
Double tap the home key to call up S Voice (for one last time!). Tap the menu button and then tap Settings. Untick the option labelled Open via the home key and then back out to save the new setting. You'll never be bothered by S Voice again unless, of course, you decide to manually launch it on purpose.

Grab a custom launcher

One of the culprits that may be slowing down your Galaxy S3 is the built in launcher. There are plenty of lighter weight alternatives to choose from in Google Play, so you might want to take a browse through what's available and choose something that's a bit snappier.
nova launcher
There are lots of launchers available, many of which are much faster than your S3's default option. / © ANDROIDPIT
Nova Launcher is a neat, fast option but there are numerous others that you may prefer. Take a look at our top 10 Android launchers article for some more ideas.

Remove system apps

If you want a greater degree of control over what is happening on your Galaxy S3, you might want to think about rooting it. This opens up a wealth of new options including the ability to remove system apps.
remove knox
If you root your phone you have the option of removing system apps to free up space. / © ANDROIDPIT
Once you are rooted, grab yourself a copy of System app remover from Google Play.
There are a number of built in tools you might want to consider removing, but prime candidates include Knox and help files. Try not to go over the top as you could end up causing problems, but you will find that System app remover highlights those components that are safe to remove.
Are there any other favorite tricks that you like to use to speed things up? Have you gone as far as rooting your device so you can install additional software?

How to speed up the Samsung Galaxy S3

How to watch TV shows and movies for free on Android

Have you ever wondered if it were possible for you to watch movies and TV shows without having to pay for Netflix or any other kind of streaming service? We have, and now we've found a way to do it too. Just sit tight and keep on reading, we'll show you some great apps for watching movies and shows for free on your phone.
serie tv
You can now watch your favorite TV shows and movies on your Android phone / © shutterstock

A note on Popcorn Time

You may have heard of Popcorn Time, a Netflix-like app with an even bigger selection of more current movies and TV show, but sadly we cannot sanction the use of this app. Popcorn Time is illegal folks: try out some of the other options below instead.  



It was only in recent months that Hulu brought its streaming service to Android, which lets users watch premium TV shows and movies on their smartphones or tablets without paying a subscription fee. Hulu comes packed with current and classic TV shows, Hulu originals, movies and plenty of Kids shows, making it a perfect family tablet companion. Of course, if you want full access to the Hulu library you will need to pay a 7.99 USD monthly fee, but there are plenty of gems to find in the free version too!
androidpit hulu tv app
Hulu offers a free and paid service for online video and movie streaming to Android users. / © Hulu

Canada / U.S.


Crackle is a hugely popular free app available in the US and Canada which is updated monthly with new TV shows and movies. Created by Grouper but later bought by Sony, the app features ads which run at regular intervals throughout the content, but as a compromise you get an excellent selection of media and an app which functions far better than some of the other TV service ports on the list. Watch Seinfeld or Talladega Nights again, for sure.
androidpit crackle app
Crackle offers Android users a bunch of modern and classic hollywood movies, for free! / © Crackle



This catch up service has been going strong for a number of years now and the slick Android app is a great way to watch TV series and movies. It doesn’t have a whole list of archived TV shows and series to sift through, but the catch up service has recently been extended to 30 days, meaning you have a month to catch up on almost anything recently played on any BBC channel. With some excellent programs like Sherlock and Call the Midwife, iPlayer is one of the best free TV services currently available on Android.
androidpit bbc iplayer
The BBC is home to many much-loved British shows like Dr Who and The Apprentice. / © BBC

ITV Player

The ITV Player app suffered a woefully bad introduction to the Play Store with it being essentially broken on many devices. It’s been turning a bit of a corner with recent updates, but it still has a long way to go. The ITV Player app let’s you stream ITV channels live to your device, as well as catch up on any shows you may have missed from the past week.
androidpit itv player
The ITV Player app has had its problems but seems to be improving with recent updates. / © ITV


Another app which has struggled with its launch is 4oD. While supplying a fantastic back catalogue of TV shows, and being a firm favorite among many Windows/Mac/console owners, the smartphone experience has been somewhat lacking. Hopefully this will only get better with future updates, as the amount and quality of full series they offer for free is fantastic. All you Peep Show fans owe it to yourself to install it.
androidpit 4od
The 4oD app includes TV shows from Channels such as E4, More4, and 4Music.  / © Channel 4

Demand 5

Don’t forget that Channel Five’s premier catch-up service Demand 5 is also now available on Android. The updates aren’t as regular as we would like, but nonetheless Demand 5 offers a wide selection of Channel 5 shows and archived programmes to re-watch on your Android smartphone or tablet. The programming quality is arguably lower than the standard offered by Channel 4 and the BBC, although it provides a viable free alternative.
androidpit demand five
Demand 5 features a number of archived series and current TV shows to browse. / © Channel Five



The Android SPB TV app is not necessarily region specific, offering content from around the world via a selection of weird and wonderful stations. It’s not the kind of app you will use to watch the latest Hollywood blockbuster, and you won’t find NBC or Showtime on there, but if you want to take a chance on a wild card then this is it. Be warned, however, a few of the stations definitely appear to be of a more adult nature.
androidpit spb tv app
The SPB TV app features a number of international and independent TV stations. / © SPB TV AG


LiveNow!TV offers a broad range of channels from around the world to stream live, as well as a variety of classic/B movies. The movies available are mostly a mix of bizarre horror and Kung Fu movies; LiveNow!TV is a free service supported by ads and of course it doesn't have the same clout as something like Netflix or even Hulu. However, the streaming of live TV worked surprisingly well, and I don't exactly understand how something like this is available when the likes of Popcorn Time and Show Box are banned. Still, for now, it's a great option for streaming a number of well-known channels.
androidpit livenow tv
For a free app, the number and quality of the live-streaming channels available in LiveNow!TV is impressive. / © Live Now!
Those are just a few suggestions for finding TV shows and movies on your smartphone. Do you know any others?

How to watch TV shows and movies for free on Android

Tuesday, 28 October 2014

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name 

How to Trace Mobile Number With Name

According to Wikipedia, India is second biggest country in the world where mobile phone users are around 904.56 million. The most Well-known telecom providers in India are Vodafone, Tata DoCoMo, Uninor, Airtel, Idea, BSNL and Reliance. According to Wikipedia, The count of Cellular Members in India is increasing very quickly and India will become the biggest Telecoms System of the Globe within a few Decades. But sometimes individuals experience finds many Issues to trace mobile number with name. So in this post I’m going to demonstrate to how to trace mobile number of Any Cellular number. Actually, mobile number trace of any cellular user is very simple and you can trace number of cellular numbers information like owner name, Location etc. To trace mobile number with name, you just need to choose your country and get into the cellular number and after that you will see the actual name and place of the mobile number owner. So if you want to trace mobile number with name then follow below given instructions.

How to Trace Mobile Number for Owner’s Information:

There are so many websites are available in the internet for mobile number trace. But most of them are very limited to give the owner’s information. After lots of researching on internet, finally I discovered the best and reliable service to trace mobile number with name. The name of service is called “True Caller”.

What is TrueCaller and How it is useful for mobile number trace:

Truecaller is World’s biggest Cellular Community which is somewhat most helpful to discover Proprietor Name, Operator Name and Place of any mobile number quickly. Its customer is available for android operating system, iOS, symbian, blackberry and MS windows Mobile phones. You can also use the Truecaller on your Laptop, computers or PC by going to their official Site. Now the query comes in mind is that “How to trace mobile number with TrueCaller?” The answer is very easy, when your buddy or any other person that have added your cellular number in their cell phone and have set up the TrueCaller app on their Mobile phones then TrueCaller will start sending the contacts information to their Server. And then it will work for Mobile Number Trace.

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name:

1. First of all visit the official site of TrueCaller
2. Select your country from the drop down menu
3. Now enter the mobile number to trace it’s user name
Select Your Country From Drop Down Menu – Trace Mobile Number With Name
4. You can see the search button there, just click on it. And then you are required to sign on via Facebook, Google +, Linkedin, Twitter and Yahoo.
Sign in – TrueCaller
After completing above steps, now you can see the name of mobile owner with other information.
Mobile Owner’s Information: Mobile Number Trace
There is the limitation on TrueCaller that it does not provide information of every mobile number. So you should also try their alternatives available in the internet for mobile number trace.

Watch out this Video – How to Trace Mobile Number with Name

If you want to remove your information from TrueCaller database, you can do it by visiting TrueCaller’s Unlist page.

How to Trace Mobile Number with Name

Best Apps for Android Phones 2014

You must have just purchased a new Android phone and as days pass by, you feel that it lacks some extensive and attractive apps. Maybe you are using an Android Smartphone for a long time and feel that you need to know more about the awesome and best apps for Android phone. Whatever the reason is you are really aching for an awesome app which makes using your Smartphone more interactive.

best android apps useful apps

Best Android Apps:

Android has risen to become an ever growing market in which each day there are new and interactive apps coming up. It just pushes the developers in creating useful android apps which make work and life more fun and easier. Of course, there is countless apps in the Play Store, but not every one of them are crowd favorites. So, let’s check out which are the significant best Android apps fit for your Smartphone.

Useful Android Apps You Must Have in Your Android Phone

1. Clean Master:

Have you ever thought of an app that can speed up your phone and free the memory space? Then you need to check out the clean master app. Not only this app protects the phone from various vulnerabilities and malicious applications, it also removes the unwanted and junk files, boost the speed of the CPU and can be easily used to remove apps. You can avoid using this best android app in case if you have already installed the CM Security Applock and Antivirus, as both have the same functionality.
Clean Master Best Android Apps
LINK to Clean Master

2. CM Security AppLock Antivirus:

Another best android apps is the CM Security. This app helps in protecting your Android phone from various unwanted threats. In addition, the app can manage your device better by scanning and removing all kinds of threats and viruses from the SD card and your device. It will boost up your memory, lock apps, blocks unwanted calls and assist in finding the phone when it is missing.
best app for android phone CMSecurity

3. ES File Explorer File Manager:

One of the favorites among people is the ES File Explorer app. This app assists in the easy accessing and navigation of the files present in the Android Smartphone.

4. DU Battery Saver:

The best apps for android is the DU Battery Saver app. This app helps in coordinating the background as well as running the various apps to save the juice and power of the battery.

5. MS Office Mobile:

Like the name suggests, this is a MS office application for Android phone users. Using this best android app, you can edit, access and view various MS office documents like MS Excel, Word, Powerpoint, etc; on the Android phone.

6. AirDroid:

This is one of the best android apps which makes managing your Android phone easier and simple. You can easily transfer files online from your PC or Laptop to the Android device without using any kind of USB cable. LINK to AirDroid

7. Appy Geek – Tech News:

One of the famous apps among people, this is a technology news app. A perfect app for those individuals who are tech geeks and freaks. LINK to Appy Geek – Tech News

8. News360 – Personalized News:

This is one of the useful android apps for people who like to read news. It aggregates blogs and stories around those topics that interest you. LINK to News360 – Personalized News

9. Adobe Reader:

Just like its name, this app helps you to read all kinds of PDF documents on the Android phone. LINK to Adobe Reader


The following are some of the innovative best android apps that could further boost your Android phone usage:
  • Flipboard: One of the most popular and best android apps which can help in catching up on various news, browsing articles and reading stories all around the world and checking out the photos, articles, etc shared by your friends.
  • News Republic: This is one of the must needed apps for your Android Smartphone.
  • MX Player: One of the useful android apps that allows users to watch videos in any format
  • Shazam: With the Shazam app, all you have to do is tap the button of your Android phone and recognize the music or tune that is playing near you
  • TrueCaller: This app helps to identify unknown numbers and block the SMS and calls from unwanted and spam numbers.
  • TuneIn RadioThe Radio app allows you to hear to the live radio stations. Not only that you can podcasts the live feed from other countries
  • WhatsApp: The most popular and instant mobile messaging app is the Whatsapp. This app helps to keep in touch with your friends and buddies. MORE VIEW: Cool WhatsApp Tricks and Tips
  • Candy Crush SagaA favorite gaming app among people is the Candy Crush. It is the best apps for android gaming which never makes you feel bored
  • Pixlr Express: This is a versatile photo editing app from Autodesk which is free to use
  • SuperBeam: The fastest and easiest means to share files between Android Smartphones.
  • NetmediablogThis is the official app of the famous Netmediablog which is a technology blog. If you enjoy reading blogs related to various topics, then this is the perfect app to install.
Check out these best android apps and if you feel they are apt for your interest, then go ahead and download them.

[20+] Best Android Apps You Must Have in Your Smartphone

Thursday, 23 October 2014

How to Use WhatsApp on PC | Download & Install WhatsApp on PC

How To Use WhatsApp on PC

WhatsApp is an interactive messaging and media sharing app for smartphones. All around the world, about five hundred to six hundred smartphone users are hooked on using WhatsApp. The reason why WhatsApp is quite famous is because it is the awesome smartphone messaging app available today. It is loaded with multiple features which make communicating with people exciting and informative.
However, one of the biggest drawbacks of the WhatsApp application is that it is not quite compatible with various cell phones. If you are a part of the elite members whose cell phone is not congenial to the WhatsApp apps, then you don’t need to worry about it. It is quite simple on how to use WhatsApp on pc. This is the exclusive tutorial on how to install WhatsApp on PC by Qd Tricks.
how to use whatsapp on pc

How to Download Whatsapp forPC

It is true that WhatsApp is the famous social networking and commonly used messaging platform available today. Limited to smartphone, it cannot be used for all PCs and tablets. Of course, certain 3G facility-run Android tablets will help you to make phone calls and they are the ones which have the WhatsApp facility. Even the iPod and iPad having the 3G SIM card slot for online needs don’t have WhatsApp compatibility.
Also View: Cool WhatsApp Tricks

The Following Steps Would Help You to Install WhatsApp on PC:

1) The first step is to install the Bluestack (It is necessary to install WhatsApp on PC). It would be better if you download the version of Bluestack .

Download BlueStack (Direct Link)

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2) Once you have downloaded it then start the installation procedure.

download whatsapp for pc

3) When the installation starts, there are chances that you may come across a message asking for graphic card requirement. So, in case if you are not using any graphic card and a pop-up message appears, just click the ‘OK’ button, the installation won’t end or get disrupted.
4) Clicking the app store icon:- The next step in the “How to download WhatsApp for PC” procedure is to click on the application store icon to gain access to the latest Android app markets like 1Mobile, Amazon App and Get Jar. Of course, there are other Android app markets, but the above given three are highly recommendable.
5) Installation: Once you have selected the required Android app market, then the next step in “how to install WhatsApp on pc” is to search the WhatsApp messenger and get it installed on the computer.

install whatsapp on pc

6) Verification: This is the last step in the “download WhatsApp for pc” procedure. When the application gets installed, an icon will appear and you need to just click on that given icon and type in your mobile number for verification.

download and install whatsapp on pc
WhatsApp for PC is installed in your computer. Now, you can easily use the WhatsApp application on your given device just like your friends and accomplices do. Always make sure that you are not using the WhatsApp application on any other device with the same number. In case if you do so, then the particular device will get deactivated and will again ask for reverification. In case you verify it, then the WhatsApp installed in the PC will get disabled.
Also View: More WhatsApp Tricks
It is quite common, as WhatsApp can only be used on a single device with a number. If you have another number and don’t use WhatsApp on it, then may use that particular number for WhatsApp communication and interaction. In short, the basic procedure on how to use WhatsApp on pc is quite simple and easy.
If you like our post download and install whatsapp on pc, you can share it with your friends via social media button given below.

How to Use WhatsApp on PC | Download & Install WhatsApp on PC

Cool WhatsApp Tricks – WhatsApp Tips and Tricks 2014

Before introducing or jumping to WhatsApp Tricks, first know some exciting factors about WhatsApp.
WhatsApp has become the best and most used application for all mobile. Not only it is available for every mobile system or operating system like Android operating system, iPhone, Blackberry mobile phones, Symbian, Htc etc. but also it is the most used app in these systems too. If you having an internet in your mobile phone then with the help of this app you can send unlimited messages to any one in the world. Message type can be text, audio, video, images etc.

Also View: All Android Tricks

As we all know that the popularity of whatsapp has grown tremendously that many whatsapp tips and tricks coming in the internet. And many user do search for amazing and cool whatsapp tricks in their phone. Our users always ask us to share the best WhatsApp tips and tricks, so here we go.

1. Use WhatsApp without Any Mobile Number – Cool WhatsApp Tricks

This whatsapp trick is tweaky, you can use whatsapp without number that means not with your own number. We will guide you how you can activate whatsapp with a number which is not your own i.e fake.
Follow below steps to use whatsapp without number a cool whatsapp tricks:
  • First of all you are required to uninstall whatsapp from your mobile
  • Now, download whatsapp again from Play Store and install it
  • Disable messaging services (Enable Flight Mode)
  • Open whatsapp application and insert your number inside. Now whatsapp will not able to send the message to it server to verify as you have enable flight mode in your mobile
  • So now whatsapp will prompt you to choose alternate methods to verify your number.
  • Now choose “Check through SMS” and enter your email address.
  • Click send button and then instantly click Cancel button. This is required to terminate authorization process
  • Now the main process of this cool whatsapp trick is begun. Install Spoof Messages apps in your mobile.
Android users install Spoof Text Message (Search in Google Play Store)
iPhone users install Fake-A-Message
  • Now go to the outbox and copy the message details Spoofer Application and send it to spoofed verification i.e. false verification
  • Use given details in Spoofed Message: To: +447900347295 from +(country code) (mobile number) Message: Your Email Address
  • After this, a message will be sent to the spoofed number and then you will be able to use this number to connect with friends in whatsapp.
(Attention Please: If above given Spoof Text Message app is not working properly for Android, then you can try their alternate. You can search spoof text message app in the play stores)
Love this WhatsApp tricks? Now just move to other cool WhatsApp tricks.

2. Share ZIP, PDF, EXE, APK, RAR and Big Files – WhatsApp Tricks 2014

As we all know WhatsApp came with the limitation that you can only send audio, video and images with it. But with the help of this cool whatsapp tricks exclusive by Qd Tricks, You will be able to send or share ZIP, PDF, EXE, APK, RAR and even big files with your friends on whatsapp.
Follow below steps to use this whtsapp tricks in your mobile:
  • First of all install DropBox and CloudSend Application in your mobile
  • Now open CloudSend, you will be prompted to link with Dropbox. Click Allow
  • Share the file on CloudSend which you want to share with your friends on whatsapp. File be automatically uploaded to your DropBox server and link will be provided to that file
  • Copy the given link and share it to with your friends on WhatsApp. You friend will simply open that link and can able to download the file in their mobile
Love this Cool WhatsApp tricks? Now move to other WhatsApp tips and tricks.

3. Lost Messages? Recover Deleted Messages – WhatsApp Tips and Tricks

Due to some malfunction or some other reasons you lost your all messages on whatsapp, don’t worry here we are sharing some whatsapp tricks with these you can recover your lost messages.
Follow the below steps to recover deleted messages on your WhatsApp:
  • WhatsApp saves all conversation on SD Cards of mobile
  • Go to Mobile SD Card > Whatsapp > Database: Here you will find msgstore.db.crypt file which contains all messages which you have received and sent in the same day. You can also find another file in same folder msgstore-yyyy..dd..db.crypt which contains all messages sent and received in last seven days.
  • Simply open these files with any simple text editors.
  • You can now able to read all your WhatsApp messages
Love this WhatsApp tips and tricks? Now move to other WhatsApp tricks.

4. WhatsApp Trick to Create Fake WhatsApp Chat / Conversation

You can create fake whatsapp chat with celebrities and amaze your all friends by showing that. You can make them fool by making fake whatsapp chat with a big star Tom Cruise, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg etc.
All you can do these types of WhatsApp Prank with your buddies by an android application called WhatSaid – Download WhatSaid App for Android
Now with this app, you will be able to create fake whatsapp conversation with anyone by simply inserting their pictures, name and then create your own messages (Fake messages)

5. Run Multiple Whatsapp Accounts in a Single Phone

Yes it is now possible to run two whatsapp account in a single mobile. There is an application called OGWhatsapp with the help of it you can use multiple whatsapp account in your android device.
We have explained step by step procedure to run multiple whatsapp in your android device. Visit: How to Use Dual WhatsApp in a Single Phone

Video Tutorial to use Dual WhatsApp in a Single Phone – Whatsapp Tricks

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Cool WhatsApp Tricks – WhatsApp Tips and Tricks 2014

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